Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Brand" in English language version.
"Titulus pictus[:] A titulus pictus is a commercial inscription made on the surface of certain artefacts. The inscription specifies information such as origin, destination, type of product, etc. Tituli picti are frequent on ancient Roman pottery containers used for trade.
Wikileaks has published the video and transcript of an investigative report into "est" (Erhard Seminars Training) guru and Landmark Education Forum godfather Werner Erhard by CBS News, originally broadcast on the program 60 Minutes on March 3, 1991.
Heraldry shaped the early history of emblematic brand marks.
This deeper meaning, the core values, character, or essence of a brand, is what Upshaw (1995) refers to when they use the term brand identity. However, that expansion of the meaning of brand identity causes some confusion because it overlaps with other common branding terms, such as brand image, brand personality, and brand meaning. [...] Brand identity and brand image are only two of the buzz words that are used and confused by brand experts and brand managers.
A common approach to understanding how corporate naming strategy affects firm value is to examine announcements of corporate name changes, and apply the event study methodology from modern finance theory to quantify stock price effects. These studies use a market signaling perspective that recognizes that a firm's name is infused with meaning and reputation, thereby providing information that drives brand image [...].
Sound reasons to make a change [in corporate naming] include division divestiture, corporate spin-off, and violation or potential violation of another company's name, Gundersen says. Mack also suggests you make a change 'if there is a profound misunderstanding of what your company does. You may have equity in a name, but it doesn't communicate what you do anymore.'
"Titulus pictus[:] A titulus pictus is a commercial inscription made on the surface of certain artefacts. The inscription specifies information such as origin, destination, type of product, etc. Tituli picti are frequent on ancient Roman pottery containers used for trade.