Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Brown recluse spider" in English language version.
American biologist, arachnologist, and pioneering researcher [o]n spider venom
Milking or gland extraction can be used to harvest ... toxins ... from spiders that are suitable for a wide variety of studies, but the milked venom and extracts should not be assumed to be equivalent to naturally expressed venoms ...
Milking or gland extraction can be used to harvest ... toxins ... from spiders that are suitable for a wide variety of studies, but the milked venom and extracts should not be assumed to be equivalent to naturally expressed venoms ...
American biologist, arachnologist, and pioneering researcher [o]n spider venom
Milking or gland extraction can be used to harvest ... toxins ... from spiders that are suitable for a wide variety of studies, but the milked venom and extracts should not be assumed to be equivalent to naturally expressed venoms ...