"...In Kosam III the donor is the nun Buddhamitrā; in Sārnāth I–II it is the monk Bala, with the same nun Buddhamitrā as one of the co-donors (Sārnāth I); at Set-Mahet it is the monk Bala. Both Bala and Buddhamitrā are, moreover, referred to in a Mathurā inscription which dates from the year 33 (I Ros., Pl.) and records a donation of a sister's daughter of Buddhamitrā, viz. M 24." in Damsteegt, Theo[in Dutch] (1978). Epigraphical Hybrid Sanskrit: Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina volume 23. Brill Archive. p. 178.
"Buddhamitra". Rough Guide to Kushan History (kushan.org). Retrieved July 31, 2013.
"No women are mentioned in the sources. Yet the importance of women in inscriptions implies that some were probably involved." in "The Fourth Buddhist Council". A Rough Guide to Kushan History (kushan.org). Retrieved August 1, 2013.
"...In Kosam III the donor is the nun Buddhamitrā; in Sārnāth I–II it is the monk Bala, with the same nun Buddhamitrā as one of the co-donors (Sārnāth I); at Set-Mahet it is the monk Bala. Both Bala and Buddhamitrā are, moreover, referred to in a Mathurā inscription which dates from the year 33 (I Ros., Pl.) and records a donation of a sister's daughter of Buddhamitrā, viz. M 24." in Damsteegt, Theo[in Dutch] (1978). Epigraphical Hybrid Sanskrit: Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina volume 23. Brill Archive. p. 178.