Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Captain America: The First Avenger" in English language version.
It is. I don't know when we'll actually divulge that necessarily, but it's the space stone.
En plein tournage de la série française «L'Epervier», Bruno participe au casting de Captain America ... et est sélectionné! ...en interprétant Jacques Dernier ... qui combat aux côtés de Captain America et de ses quatre autres coéquipiers...." Translation: "While filming the French series The Hawk, Bruno participated in the casting of Captain America ... and was selected! ... [He portrays] Jacques Dernier ... fighting alongside Captain America and his four other teammates....
But as we were working on them we started to keep track of some things that the writers and filmmakers of one movie were doing anyway and we started to track them and realized that we could utilize those later down the line. That's how the Cosmic Cube came about; what started as a little seed would grow and grow and grow to The Avengers.
But as we were working on them we started to keep track of some things that the writers and filmmakers of one movie were doing anyway and we started to track them and realized that we could utilize those later down the line. That's how the Cosmic Cube came about; what started as a little seed would grow and grow and grow to The Avengers.
It is. I don't know when we'll actually divulge that necessarily, but it's the space stone.
En plein tournage de la série française «L'Epervier», Bruno participe au casting de Captain America ... et est sélectionné! ...en interprétant Jacques Dernier ... qui combat aux côtés de Captain America et de ses quatre autres coéquipiers...." Translation: "While filming the French series The Hawk, Bruno participated in the casting of Captain America ... and was selected! ... [He portrays] Jacques Dernier ... fighting alongside Captain America and his four other teammates....