Rosengarten, Frank (1997). "Carl Marzani: A Radical American Life". Science & Society. 61 (3): 396–402. JSTOR40403646.
Mins, Henry F. (1958). "Reviewed work: The Modern Prince and Other Writings, Antonio Gramsci; the Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci, Carl Marzani". Science & Society. 22 (3): 283–286. JSTOR40400590.
Cannistraro, Philip V.; Meyer, Gerald (2003). The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism: Politics, Labor, and Culture. Westport, Conn: Praeger. ISBN0275978915. OCLC470208735.
Light, Robert E.; Marzani, Carl (1961). Cuba versus CIA(PDF). New York: Marzani & Munsell. OCLC924365158. Retrieved 15 August 2022.
Marzani, Carl (1962). The Shelter Hoax and Foreign Policy. New York: Marzani & Munsell. OCLC4417974.
Marzani, Carl (1965). The Conscience of the Senate on the Vietnam War. Excerpts from the Congressional Record; includes Marzani's 1965 broadsheet, "McNamara's War", as the introduction. New York: Marzani & Munsell. OCLC10764500.
Marzani, Carl (1970). Withdraw!: From an Indochina War That Dishonors Our Country and Threatens Nuclear Disaster. New York: American Documentary Films. OCLC33399527.
Marzani, Carl (1972). The Wounded Earth; an Environmental Survey. Reading, Mass: Young Scott Books. ISBN0201094126. OCLC918357806.
Marzani, Carl (1972). The Threat of American Neo-Fascism: A Prudential Inquiry. New York: American Documentary Films. OCLC3237144.
Marzani, Carl; Cammett, John M (1980). The Promise of Eurocommunism. Westport, Conn: L. Hill. ISBN0882081101. OCLC611343494.
Marzani, Carl (1984). Beyond 1984: Spain, Orwell and the Neo-Orwellians. OCLC20505574.