Perez, Carlota and Murray Leach, Tamsin (2018): Smart & green. A new “European way of life” as the path for growth, jobs and well-being. In: Council for Research and Technology Development (ed.): Re-thinking Europe. Positions on Shaping an Idea. Vienna: Holzhausen, pp. 208-223.
BTTR Working Paper Series 2008-1
From the publishers in English and German
Perez, Carlota and Murray Leach, Tamsin (2018): Smart & green. A new “European way of life” as the path for growth, jobs and well-being. In: Council for Research and Technology Development (ed.): Re-thinking Europe. Positions on Shaping an Idea. Vienna: Holzhausen, pp. 208-223.
BTTR Working Paper Series 2008-1
From the publishers in English and German
Perez C. (2016 ) “Capitalism, Technology and a Green Global Golden Age: The Role of History in Helping to Shape the Future” in Mazzucato and Jacobs (eds.) Rethinking Capitalism London: Wiley Blackwell Ch. 11 pp. 191-217.