Tsarevskaia, St. Sofia’s Cathedral in Novgorod. See also "Legenda o Spasa Vederzhitele so szhatoiu rukoi," (Легенда о Спасе Вседержителе со сжатою рукой = The Legend of the Almighty Savior with the Clenched Hand",) available online at http://bibliotekar.ru/novgorod13.htm
T. Iu. (Tatiana Iur’evna) Tsarevskaia, St. Sofia’s Cathedral in Novgorod, D. G. Fedosov, trans. (Moscow: Severnyi Palomnik, 2005). This is an English translation of Sofiiskii sobor v Novgorode. 2nd ed. (Moscow: Severnyi palomnik, 2005). The Sofia First Chronicle dates the consecration to 1050, the Novgorodian Third Chronicle to 1052. See Sofiiskii Sobor v Velikom Novgorode: Arkhitektura i istoriia, online at http://www.russiancity.ru/text/nov01.htm