Celio Secondo Curione (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Celio Secondo Curione" in English language version.

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3rd place
3rd place
6th place
6th place
958th place
1,915th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,234th place
779th place
441st place
311th place
1,505th place
1,194th place


  • See McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, pp. 199-200. L. von Ranke, History of the Popes: Their Church and State, Revised edition, 3 vols (P.F. Collier & Son, New York 1901), I, p. 145.
  • J. Strype, The Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Kt. (original 1705), New Edition, corrected by the Author (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1821), pp. 95-96.
  • 'Mortis Ioan. Oporini Praesagia Coelius II. Curio observavit et scripsit', in Oratio De Ortu, Vita et Obitu Joannis Oporini Basiliensis, ... Authore Andrea Iocisco Silesio (Excudebat Theodosius Rihelius, Argentorati 1569). (digitized)


  • In 1550 Oporino had published the Latin translation of De Amplitudine Misericordiae Dei of Marsilio Andreasi [it], with commentaries by Caelius Horatius (Orazio) Curio, dedicated to King Edward VI of England, perhaps suggesting this title. title page. The King's copy survives in the British Library. [1]. For the genesis of that work, see S. Seidel Menchi, 'La circolazione clandistina di Erasmo in Italia: i casi di Antonio Brucioli e di Marsilio Andreasi', in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, classe di lettere e filosofia, Series II vol. IX (Pisa 1979), pp. 573-601.


  • His first biography is by Giovanni Nicolò Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione, given at Basel in 1570 and published in J.G. Schelhorn, Amoenitates Literariae (Daniel Bartholomæi et Filium, Francofurti et Lipsiæ 1730–1731), XIV, pp. 325-402. For an English abstract of this, see R.S., 'Italian Reformation. Select Memoirs of Italian Reformation Confessors, No. 4: Coelius Secundus Curio', The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, No. CCVII, Vol. XVIII (March 1823), pp. 129-33.
  • Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione, pp. 386 ff.
  • Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione, pp. 325-402, at p. 329.
  • Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione (1570), p. 331. The narrative of Stupano is extensively employed in English by T. McCrie, History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century (William Blackwood, Edinburgh/ T. Cadell, London 1827), p. 101 ff, and passim.
  • N. C. Papadopoli, Historia Gymnasii Patavini (Sebastian Colet, Venice 1726), II, p. 222-23.
  • Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione (1570), p. 335.
  • See Olympiae Fulviae Moratae, Foeminae Doctissimae, et Plane Divinae, Opera Omnia cum Eruditorum Testimonijs (Petrus Perna, Basel 1570?/80), Letter of dedication to Queen Elizabeth I of England.
  • G. Tommasi (ed. C. Minutoli), Sommario della Storia di Lucca (G.P. Viuesseux, Firenze 1847), Prefazione, pp. xxxii-xxxiii, & Lib. III Cap. VII, pp. 424-25.
  • Pasquillorum Tomi Duo. Quorum primo uersibus ac rhythmis, altero soluta oratione conscripta quamplurima continentur, ad exhilarandum, confirmandumque hoc perturbatissimo rerum statu pij lectoris animum (Johann Oporino, Eleutheropoli (sc. Basel) 1544) (digitized)
  • See McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, pp. 199-200. L. von Ranke, History of the Popes: Their Church and State, Revised edition, 3 vols (P.F. Collier & Son, New York 1901), I, p. 145.
  • A. Overell, Italian Reform and English Reformations, c. 1535-c.1585 (Ashgate Publishing, 2008), pp. 58-9.
  • (1558 edition): Historia Francisci Spierae, qui quod susceptam semel evangelicae veritatis professionem abnegasset damnassetque, in horrendam incidit desperationem (Tubingen, 1558) (digitized). McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, p. 97.
  • Le Otto Difesioni del Vergerio Vescovo di Capodistria (Pietro Perna, Basel 1550), digitized
  • A.J. Schutte, Pier Paolo Vergerio: The Making of an Italian Reformer (Librairie Droz, 1969), p. 251. See McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, pp. 227-28, & note.
  • For an account of this dispute, with Curio's Latin and German apologies, see 'Historia Dialogorum Cœlii Secundi Curionis de Amplitudine beati Regni Dei', in J.G. Schelhorn (ed.), Amœnitates Literariæ XII (Daniel Bartholomæi et Filium, Francofurti et Lipsiæ 1730), pp. 592-627 (in Latin). For another, see U. Plath, 'Der Streit um С.S. Curione "De Amplitudine Beati Regni Dei" im Jahre 1554 in Basel', in Eresia e Riforma nell'Italia del Cinquecento, Biblioteca del Corpus Reformatorum Italicorum, Miscellanea 1 (G.C. Sansoni, Florence 1974), pp. 269–281 (in German).
  • De Pronuntiatione Graecae Potissimum Linguae Disputationes cum Stephano Vuintoniensi Episcopo, septem contrariis epistolis comprehensae (N. Episcopium iuniorem, Basel 1555). digitized
  • McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, pp 279-83 and p. 355.
  • McCrie, History of the Reformation in Italy, pp. 400-02, and see Appendix, No. 7, pp. 425-26. M.L. King, Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources (Hackett Publishing, 2014), pp. 129-36.
  • For a list of works see Stupano, Oratio Panegyrica de Coelio Secundo Curione (1570), pp. 350-352.
  • C.S. Curio (trans.), Francisci Gvicciardini Patricii Florentini Historiarvm Svi Temporis Libri Viginti: Ex Italico in Latinum sermonem nunc primum & conuersi & editi (Pietro Perna, Basilaæ 1566). (digitized)
  • N. Reusner, Icones sive Imagines Virorum Literis Illustrium (Bernardo Iobino, Argentorati 1587), fol 161-2. (Google)



  • Printed with Pasquillus ecstaticus (Geneva 1544 edition), pp. 244-257. (BSB/MDZ digitized)


  • In 1550 Oporino had published the Latin translation of De Amplitudine Misericordiae Dei of Marsilio Andreasi [it], with commentaries by Caelius Horatius (Orazio) Curio, dedicated to King Edward VI of England, perhaps suggesting this title. title page. The King's copy survives in the British Library. [1]. For the genesis of that work, see S. Seidel Menchi, 'La circolazione clandistina di Erasmo in Italia: i casi di Antonio Brucioli e di Marsilio Andreasi', in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, classe di lettere e filosofia, Series II vol. IX (Pisa 1979), pp. 573-601.



  • L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi Stoicorum Omnium Acutissimi Opera Quae Extant Omnia (Johan Hervagius & Bernard Brand, Basle 1557). digitized (Hathi Trust).



  • In 1550 Oporino had published the Latin translation of De Amplitudine Misericordiae Dei of Marsilio Andreasi [it], with commentaries by Caelius Horatius (Orazio) Curio, dedicated to King Edward VI of England, perhaps suggesting this title. title page. The King's copy survives in the British Library. [1]. For the genesis of that work, see S. Seidel Menchi, 'La circolazione clandistina di Erasmo in Italia: i casi di Antonio Brucioli e di Marsilio Andreasi', in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, classe di lettere e filosofia, Series II vol. IX (Pisa 1979), pp. 573-601.