"ASPCA vs. Ringling $9.2Bros.," Michigan State University, College of Law, In Dec 2012 the court award of $9.3 million dollars to Ringling Bros from the ASPC was paid. Mr.Feld has other cases pending against the other defendants and intends to recoup the full court cost plus damages of $20 million from the other defendants for their slander. (http://www.animallaw.info/pleadings/pbusfdaspca_ringlingbros.htm, accessed, May 20, 2010.
Feld Entertainment, Inc. Victorious in Case Brought by ASPCA and Other Animal Special Interest Groups Federal Court Finds Plaintiff Testimony of Tom Rider Not Truthful," Feld Entertainment Press Release, Dec. 30, 2009; http://www.elephantcenter.com/press/ContentDisplay.aspx?id=39470Archived 2010-04-25 at the Wayback Machine, accessed May 20, 2010.
Feld Entertainment, Inc. Victorious in Case Brought by ASPCA and Other Animal Special Interest Groups Federal Court Finds Plaintiff Testimony of Tom Rider Not Truthful," Feld Entertainment Press Release, Dec. 30, 2009; http://www.elephantcenter.com/press/ContentDisplay.aspx?id=39470Archived 2010-04-25 at the Wayback Machine, accessed May 20, 2010.