常贵田荣升少将 成相声界首位文职将军 [Chang Guitian is promoted to the rank of major general, becoming the first general in the xiangsheng business]. sohu (in Chinese). 2012-10-22.
相声表演艺术家常贵田11月30日凌晨逝世,享年76岁 [Xiangsheng performer Chang Guitian dies early on November 30 at the age of 76]. thepaper.cn (in Chinese). 2018-11-30.
相声表演艺术家常贵田今晨在京逝世 享年76岁 [Xiangsheng performer Chang Guitian died in Beijing this morning at the age of 76]. youth.cn (in Chinese). 2018-11-30.