"Police: Shoppers under 18 banned from Cherry Hill Mall for last week of the year", News 12 New Jersey,December 29, 2022. Accessed January 4, 2023. "Shoppers under 18 are now banned from the Cherry Hill Mall without a parent or adult during the last week of the year.... This came about after an incident at the mall in 2017 that started at JC Penney. Police encountered 700 to 1,000 teens who converged on the mall. Several fights broke out, and five people were arrested."
"Cherry Hill Mall celebrates 50 years", Cherry Hill News, October 11, 2011. Accessed March 15, 2022. "'As sentiment for a post office grew along with the population, township officials realized that it could not have a post office with Delaware Township in the name because a Delaware Township post office already existed in North Jersey,' Mangiafico and Mathis wrote. Residents suggested 'Moriville' as the new name for the township in honor of Mori, but Abraham Browning’s farm near the Cherry Hill Inn and Cherry Hill Estates had increasing appeal in the neighborhood. His farm, Mangiafico said, had Cherry trees, which inspired the name of the neighborhood.... The 15-acre mall, located on the former George Jaus farm, had opened just weeks before the official name change, already bearing the new name."