Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Chicken parmesan" in English language version.
WHAT do you get if you take the humble meat pie and the Italian chicken parmigiana and mash them together?Link(subscription required) via EBSCO
Hozzávalók: 8 szelet sertéskaraj vagy csirkemell [Ingredients: 8 slices of pork loin or chicken breast]
They ask for steak and eggs, but change to Chicken Parmigiana when the waiter explains that it's chicken cooked in light wine and served with grated cheese
Veal and chicken parmigiana, along with their cousins meatball, sausage and shrimp, are more recent adaptations, created by Italian immigrants in America who could afford to use meat in place of the vegetables they relied on in the Old Country.
Chicken Parmigiano–Generally this method is reserved for a breaded cutlet of veal, but it's amazing how good and unusual a dish you achieve by arranging heated quick-frozen southern fried chicken on the serving dish. Top each piece with a thin slice of cheese. The Italians would use Mozzarella; Muenster is good too, and so is mild American. A sprinkle of grated Parmesan over the top adds tang. Place under a broiler or in the oven till the cheese melts and then pour around a tomato sauce made by heating Hunt's tomato sauce with one clove garlic finely crushed, one-half bay leaf, one teaspoon olive oil, one-fourth to one-half teaspoon basil, oregano or marjoram. Simmer eight to ten minutes.
A mátrai borzaska vagy pusztapecsenye nagyon kiadós frissensült, melyet savanyúsággal vagy salátával érdemes fogyasztani. Az étel eredetileg sertéskarajból készül, de ha szeretnéd, csirke- vagy pulykahúsból is elkészítheted. [Mátra borzaska or pusztapecsenye is a very hearty fresh roast, which is worth eating with pickles or salad. The dish is originally made from pork loin, but if you like, you can also make it from chicken or turkey.]