Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Chong Heihu" in English language version.
《封神演义》中写到黄飞虎、崇黑虎、闻聘、崔英、蒋雄五人战混池时被张奎杀害,死后被封为五岳大帝。中国民间五岳信仰以东岳为尊,供奉五岳时一般以东岳黄飞虎居中,南岳崇黑虎与中岳闻聘列于两侧 [In "Fengshen Yanyi," it is mentioned that Huang Feihu, Chong Heihu, Wenpin, Cui Ying, and Jiang Xiong met their demise at the hands of Zhang Kui during their battle with Hunchi. Following their death, they were revered as the Five Sacred Emperors. In Chinese folk belief, the Five Mountains are highly respected, with Dongyue being particularly esteemed. When enshrining the Gods of the Five Sacred Mountains, it is customary to position Dongyue Huang Feihu at the center, while Nanyue Chong Heihu and Zhongyue Wenpin are placed on both sides.
南岳庙,祀南岳大帝曹州侯崇黑虎,会期十二月十六日,位于县城东郊,原坐落于板桥处。[The Nanyue Temple in Banqiao, is dedicated to the black tiger Chong Heihu, the revered emperor of Nanyue. The annual celebration in honor of Chong Heihu will take place on December 16th.
姜子牙歸國封神》說在滅紂天下歸周之後,姜子牙築封神臺,奉元始天尊勅令,「特勅封爾(黃飛虎)為東岳泰山天齊仁聖大帝之職,總管天地人間吉凶禍福」,「特勅封爾崇黑虎為南岳衡山司天昭聖大帝,特勅封爾聞聘為中岳嵩山中天崇聖大帝,特勅封爾崔英為北岳恆山安天 ...
南岳大帝名叫崇黑虎,又称「南岳衡山司天始圣大帝」,诞辰为十二月十六日。[Nanyue Emperor's name is Chong Heihu, also known as "Nanyue Hengshan Sitianshisheng Emperor", and his birthday is December 16.]
... 南岳神"南岳司天昭圣帝"也就是祝融,供奉南岳大帝的主庙"南岳大庙"位于南岳山下,始建于唐开元13 年(公元725 年) ,经历代修葺扩建, ...
彩色大脸谱·司马师/蔚县老剪纸崇黑虎剪纸取材传统剧目《汜水关》人物脸谱。[Chong Heihu paper-cutting, a captivating art form originating from Yuxian County, draws its inspiration from the vibrant facial makeup of Chong Heihu in the traditional opera "Sishuiguan". This distinctive style of paper-cutting showcases intricate designs and is highly regarded for its cultural value.]