"A black comedy for Valentine's Day; UVic theatre takes on Reasons to Be Pretty, which examines society's obsession with physical appearance" by Adrian Chamberlain, Times Colonist (14 Feb, 2013) Retrieved from ProQuest1288093525
"Angry Housewives takes top honors at Jessie awards" by Lloyd Dykk, Vancouver Sun (22 June 1987) Retrieved from ProQuest243770584
"Alone with their thoughts, together: Play exposes the private debates that rage within" by Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun (13 Oct, 2006) [Final Edition] Retrieved from ProQuest242147189
"The gods make a splash; Simple item; the metamorphosis is profound" by Lynn Mitges, The Province (29 July 2008) Retrieved from ProQuest269533375
"Thematic threads tied up in Nazis; Multilayered play difficult to understand on many levels" by Jo Ledingham, Vancouver Courier (16 June 2010) Retrieved from ProQuest503769085