Cihang Zhenren (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cihang Zhenren" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place

  • 预见学习,遇见成长:学校开展项目学习的实践与探索 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Beijing Book Co. Inc. 1 April 2020. ISBN 978-7-5068-7821-0.
  • 中国考古集成 (in Chinese). 北京出版社.
  • Kang, Xiaofei; Sutton, Donald S. (12 September 2016). Contesting the Yellow Dragon: Ethnicity, Religion, and the State in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-31923-3.
  • 全像观音 [Hologram of Guanyin] (in Chinese). 江西美术出版社. 2006. ISBN 978-7-80690-810-5. 学术界一般认为观音由男女是在南北朝时期,道教吸收观音的故事既见于《灵宝经》,则慈航道人的出现也应当在唐朝以前。但上述资料比较简单,也没有直接提及观音并将其与慈航道人联系起来。其二,据明代徐道明编集的《历代神仙通鉴》... [translation:Scholars generally believe that the transition of Guanyin from male to female occurred during the Northern and Southern Dynasties period. The story of Taoism incorporating Guanyin can be found in the "Lingbao Jing," suggesting that Cihang Zhenren's presence predates the Tang Dynasty. However, the provided information is relatively brief and does not directly mention Guanyin or establish a connection between Guanyin and Cihang Zhenren. Secondly, according to the "Tongjian of the Immortals of the Past Dynasties" compiled by Xu Daoming in the Ming Dynasty...
  • 中國考古集成: Liang Jin zhi Song (in Chinese). 中州古籍出版社. 2003.
  • 敦煌古靈寶經與晉唐道敎 [Dunhuang Ancient Lingbao Sutra and Taoist Teachings of Jin and Tang Dynasties] (in Chinese). 中華書局. 2002. ISBN 978-7-101-03618-3.
  • 说不尽的观世音: 引经, 据典, 图说 [The Inexhaustible Guanyin: Quotations, Sources, and Pictorial Representation]s (in Chinese). 上海辞书出版社. 2002. ISBN 978-7-5326-0922-2. 所说的观音化身妙善公主的诞生、出家、成道日期相同。据此推论,道教吸收观音为慈航道人约发端于唐代以前,形成于宋末元初。佛、道两教都吸收了关于妙善公主是观音化身的民间传说,从而使观音或慈航道人的形象更为丰满,满足了民间观音信仰的 ... [translation:The birth, ordination, and enlightenment dates of the Guanyin incarnation Miaoshan Princess are the same. Based on this, it is inferred that Taoism's incorporation of Guanyin as Cihang Zhenren likely began before the Tang Dynasty and solidified during the late Song and early Yuan periods. Both Buddhism and Taoism absorbed the folk legend that Miaoshan Princess is an incarnation of Guanyin, enriching the images of Guanyin or Cihang Zhenren and fulfilling the popular Guanyin belief...]
  • 道敎風俗談 [Discussion on Taoist Customs and Traditions] (in Chinese). 上海辞书出版社. 2003. ISBN 978-7-5326-1331-1. ... 慈航道人(又称慈航大士、观音大士)。《元始天尊说灵感观音妙经》称她是"碧落洞天帝主"、"圆通自在天尊"。其法力是"求福得福,求寿保寿,求嗣得男...... "。关于慈航道人的来源,据现有的资料,有两种说法:一是唐李善注引《灵宝经》记载:禅黎世界坠王有女
  • 足本全圖封神演義 (in Chinese). 廣益書局. 1922.
  • 中国神仙年画经典 (in Chinese). Beijing Book Co. Inc. 1 September 2015. ISBN 978-7-5507-1452-6. ...阐教门人因三尸未除,犯下杀戒而入世受劫难。阐教、截教中众门人道行最高的成仙,道行次高的入封神榜成神,道行较低的入轮回成人。还有部分门人入西方教,如阐教中慈航道人(后为观世音菩萨)、文殊广法天尊(后为文殊菩萨)、普贤 ...
  • 老成都记忆 (in Chinese). Beijing Book Co. Inc. 1 March 2017. ISBN 978-7-5090-1171-3.
  • 福州市志 [Fuzhou City Chronicle] (in Chinese). 方志出版社. 1998. ISBN 978-7-80122-605-1.