Some older reference works give his date of birth as 1903, but a copy of his birth certificate held by the Cinémathèque Suisse confirms that it was 1901: Bulletin de naissance, Cinémathèque suisse. Fonds CSL 005 - Fonds Claude Autant-Lara. Retrieved 27 December 2022.
"Dans le mensuel "Globe" les propos antisémites de M. Claude Autant-Lara député européen (FN)", in Le Monde, 8 septembre 1989: Comme Globe lui demande s'il est "pour le révisionnisme", il répond : "Oui, évidemment. Quand on regarde les choses d'un peu près, on voit bien qu'on est bourré d'histoires, de mensonges... Auschwitz... Le génocide, on n'en sait trop rien. Le prétendu génocide... Personne ne parle du génocide des Indiens par les Américains. N'est pas génocide qui veut !" (Asked by the Globe whether he is "in favour of revisionism", he replies, "Yes, of course. When we look at things closely, we see clearly that we are stuffed with stories, with lies... Auschwitz... The genocide, we don't know too much about it. The so-called genocide... Nobody talks about the genocide of the Indians by the Americans. It's not genocide just if you want it to be!") Retrieved 5 January 2023. Archived at Wikiwix.
"Claude Autant-Lara" in 1895, no. 33, 2001 (Dictionnaire du cinéma français des années vingt). Retrieved 29 December 2022.
Ronald Bergan, "'Claude Autant-Lara, obituary" in The Guardian, 7 February 2000: [Autant-Lara] told the left-wing magazine Globe: "She plays the violin about that. When I hear talk of genocide, I reply, 'Well, they missed old Weil.' Whether you like it or not, she is from an ethnic group that is political and tries to take root and dominate." Retrieved 5 January 2023. Archived at the Wayback Machine.
Ronald Bergan, "'Claude Autant-Lara, obituary" in The Guardian, 7 February 2000: [Autant-Lara] told the left-wing magazine Globe: "She plays the violin about that. When I hear talk of genocide, I reply, 'Well, they missed old Weil.' Whether you like it or not, she is from an ethnic group that is political and tries to take root and dominate." Retrieved 5 January 2023. Archived at the Wayback Machine.
"Dans le mensuel "Globe" les propos antisémites de M. Claude Autant-Lara député européen (FN)", in Le Monde, 8 septembre 1989: Comme Globe lui demande s'il est "pour le révisionnisme", il répond : "Oui, évidemment. Quand on regarde les choses d'un peu près, on voit bien qu'on est bourré d'histoires, de mensonges... Auschwitz... Le génocide, on n'en sait trop rien. Le prétendu génocide... Personne ne parle du génocide des Indiens par les Américains. N'est pas génocide qui veut !" (Asked by the Globe whether he is "in favour of revisionism", he replies, "Yes, of course. When we look at things closely, we see clearly that we are stuffed with stories, with lies... Auschwitz... The genocide, we don't know too much about it. The so-called genocide... Nobody talks about the genocide of the Indians by the Americans. It's not genocide just if you want it to be!") Retrieved 5 January 2023. Archived at Wikiwix.