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Webster, D.; Kruglanski, A (December 1994). "Individual differences in need for cognitive closure". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 67 (6): 1049–62. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.67.6.1049. PMID7815301.
Boss, Pauline; Carnes, Donna (December 2012). "The Myth of Closure". Family Process. 51 (4): 456–469. doi:10.1111/famp.12005. PMID23230978.
Van Hiel, A.; Mervielde, I. (2003). "The Need for Closure and the Spontaneous Use of Complex and Simple Cognitive Structures". The Journal of Social Psychology. 143 (5): 559–68. doi:10.1080/00224540309598463. PMID14609052. S2CID41445636.
Kruglanski, A. W.; Webster, D. M.; Klem, A (November 1993). "Motivated resistance and openness to persuasion in the presence or absence of prior information". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 65 (5): 861–76. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.65.5.861. PMID8246114.
Roets, A.; Van Hiel, A (February 2007). "Separating ability from need: Clarifying the dimensional structure of the need for closure scale". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 33 (2): 266–80. doi:10.1177/0146167206294744. PMID17259586. S2CID34733882.
DeBacker, T. K.; Crowson, H. M. (September 2006). "Influences on cognitive engagement: epistemological beliefs and need for closure". British Journal of Educational Psychology. 76 (535–551): 535–551. doi:10.1348/000709905X53138. PMID16953961.
Van Hiel, A.; Mervielde, I. (2003). "The Need for Closure and the Spontaneous Use of Complex and Simple Cognitive Structures". The Journal of Social Psychology. 143 (5): 559–68. doi:10.1080/00224540309598463. PMID14609052. S2CID41445636.
Chirumbolo, A.; Livi, S.; Mannetti, L.; Pierro, A.; Kruglanski, A. (June 2004). "Effects of Need for Closure on Creativity in Small Group Interactions". European Journal of Personality. 18 (4): 265–78. doi:10.1002/per.518. S2CID144190667.
Roets, A.; Van Hiel, A (February 2007). "Separating ability from need: Clarifying the dimensional structure of the need for closure scale". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 33 (2): 266–80. doi:10.1177/0146167206294744. PMID17259586. S2CID34733882.
Harlow, L.; Debacker, T. K.; Crowson, M. H. (2011). "Need for Closure, Achievement Goals, and Cognitive Engagement in High School Students". The Journal of Educational Research. 104 (2): 110–119. doi:10.1080/00220670903567406. S2CID145178984.