Philologos, "On Language", Forward, 29 March 1996, page 14; ArtScroll, The Schottenstein Edition Siddur for Weekdays with interlinear translation (Ashkenaz ed., 2002, Brooklyn, Mesorah Publ'ns) page 159 ("we have scoffed"); letter from Heinrich Guggenheimer, 15 March 1996—from an uncommon form that occurs only in Gen 27:12, Jer. 10:15 & 51:18 and II Chron 36:16 that means "mockery" or "insult"); Baer's Siddur Avodah Yisroel (1868) page 415, suggested "we cheated"—citing the unusual form in Gen 27:12. Also, two items in Mail.Jewish Mailing List, vol. 47, nr. 48, 6 April 2005.