新日、全日、ノアら9団体が「日本プロレスリング連盟」設立 来年5月には設立記念興行も [Nine organizations, including NJPW, AJPW, and Noah, establish "United Japan Pro-wrestling"; launching event to be held next May]. Nikkan Sports (in Japanese). December 15, 2023. Retrieved January 3, 2024.
【DDT】MAO&勝俣瞬馬の「しゅんまお」が1年4ヵ月ぶりにKO-Dタッグ王座奪還!10・3新宿で大石真翔&男色ディーノと初V戦 [[DDT] “Shunmao” (MAO & Shunma Katsumata) regain the KO-D Tag Team titles after 1 year and 4 months! They will have their first defense against Makoto Oishi & Danshoku Dieno in Shinjuku on October 3.]. proresu-today.com (in Japanese). September 21, 2024. Archived from the original on September 21, 2024.
【DDT】MAO&勝俣瞬馬の「しゅんまお」が1年4ヵ月ぶりにKO-Dタッグ王座奪還!10・3新宿で大石真翔&男色ディーノと初V戦 [[DDT] “Shunmao” (MAO & Shunma Katsumata) regain the KO-D Tag Team titles after 1 year and 4 months! They will have their first defense against Makoto Oishi & Danshoku Dieno in Shinjuku on October 3.]. proresu-today.com (in Japanese). September 21, 2024. Archived from the original on September 21, 2024.