Kim Dong-yeok (October 13, 2020). 펜타곤·위클리, 19일 '컴백쇼 뮤톡 라이브'로 팬심 저격…"화려한 라이브 쇼" [Pentagon·Weekly shoots fans with 'Comeback Show Mu-Talk Live' on the 19th... "A gorgeous live show"]. Consumer Times.
Ahn Sun-young (October 21, 2020). 자체 제작돌 펜타곤 [빽투더 아이돌] 등장! 정교한 퍼포먼스로 모두의 눈과 귀를 사로잡을 준비 완료! [Self-made doll Pentagon [Back to the Idol] appeared! Ready to catch everyone's eyes and ears with a sophisticated performance!]. GukjeNews.
Son Jin-ah (October 17, 2020). '컴백 D-3' 펜타곤, '데이지' 뮤직비디오 티저 영상 공개 ['Pentagon,'Daisy' choreography practice video released... Unrivaled performance]. Maekyung.
Kim Eun-hye (October 20, 2020). '더쇼' 펜타곤, 4년 만에 첫 1위.."쉬운길 아니었다..팬들에게 고마워"[종합] ['The Show' Pentagon, first place in 4 years..."It wasn't easy..Thank you to the fans" [General]]. HeraldPop.
Ahn Jin-yong (October 14, 2020). 펜타곤 신보 ‘WE:TH’, 아이튠즈 톱 앨범 차트 전 세계 9개 지역 1위 [Pentagon's new album 'WE:TH', #1 in 9 regions worldwide on the iTunes Top Album Chart]. Muhwa.
Lee Jung-ho (October 20, 2020). [단독]펜타곤 "데뷔 첫 1위..세상에서 가장 감사하고 행복한 밤"[직격인터뷰] [[Exclusive] Pentagon "First place after debut.. The most grateful and happiest night in the world" [Direct interview]]. Star News.
Lee Ye-ji (October 9, 2020). '컴백 D-3' 펜타곤, '데이지' 뮤직비디오 티저 영상 공개 [Pentagon's new song 'Daisy' exceeded 8.51 million views on YouTube in 4 days.]. Newsen.
Lee Ye-ji (November 3, 2020). 펜타곤 후이→우석 넘치는 팬 사랑 “유니버스와 소통할 수 있어 너무 행복” [SNS★컷] [Pentagon Hui → Fan love full of excellence “I'm so happy to be able to communicate with the universe” [SNS ★ cut]]. Newsen.
Choo Seung-Hyun (October 20, 2020). 펜타곤, '데이지' MV 1,000만뷰 달성 기념 퍼포먼스 버전 깜짝 공개 [Pentagon to release'Daisy' MV 10 million views performance version surprise]. Seoul Economic Daily.
Kim Na-yeon (October 20, 2020). 펜타곤, '코미디빅리그' 출연…'데이지' 무대→이상준과 케미 '유쾌' [Pentagon , appeared in 'Comedy Big League'... 'Daisy' stage → Lee Sang-jun and chemistry'pleasure']. Single News.
Jeong Ga-young (October 12, 2020). '컴백' 펜타곤 키노 "새 앨범 온라인 커버 내가 그려…후이에게 준 선물" ['There is nothing that cannot be done' Pentagon aims to sympathize with 'WE:TH' (Total)]. SportsWorld.
Kim Eunjung (October 13, 2020). 펜타곤 후이 "8개월 만의 컴백…걱정반 기대반으로 설렜다" [V라이브] [Pentagon Hui "Comeback in 8 months…I was excited with worries and anticipation" [V Live]]. Tv Report.