The People of the Sea: Environment, Identity, And History in Oceania. Author: Paul D'Arcy. Please see this page. "His Fijian crew addressed the creature as Dakuwaqa, and promised it kava if it did not harm them. Dakuwaqa had a history of fierce retribution against seafarers who did not respect him, but had rescued his worshippers from trouble at sea."
Dakuwaqa The Shark God.Archived 2012-01-28 at the Wayback Machine "One of the best known gods in Fijian legends is the fierce sea-monster Dakuwaqa. He was the guardian of the reef entrance of the islands, fearless, headstrong and jealous. He frequently changed himself into the form of a shark and travelled around the islands fighting all the other reef guardians."
Dakuwaqa The Shark God.Archived 2012-01-28 at the Wayback Machine "One of the best known gods in Fijian legends is the fierce sea-monster Dakuwaqa. He was the guardian of the reef entrance of the islands, fearless, headstrong and jealous. He frequently changed himself into the form of a shark and travelled around the islands fighting all the other reef guardians."