Semanario Farmaceutico VI/24 (1878), available here
the explosives that Rull was associated with were planted in obscure and unfrequented passages apparently with little harm intended, which led some to suspect he was on service of an unidentified extreme party aiming at bringing police forces into disrepute, compare El Pais 09.04.08, available here, see also Eduardo González Calleja, La razón de la fuerza: orden público, subversión y violencia política en la España de la Restauración (1875–1917), Madrid 1998, ISBN9788400077785, p. 401
between June and December of 1910 Iglesias was noted at least 750 times in the press. In 1911 he was mentioned around 600 times, in 1912 around 450 times, in 1913 around 170 times and in 1914 around 110 times, compare prensahistorica service, available here, and hemerotecadigital service, available here
the exception was El Siglo Futuro, which printed a corteous and informative necrological note, see El Siglo Futuro 16.01.33, available here
born 1935, died 2015; for date of birth see La Vanguardia 19.10.35, available here, for date of death see Albert María Caso Iglesias entry, [in:] Capgros service, available here
in 1910 Iglesias received 2,957 votes out of 8,653 votes cast and 11,344 voters entitled, compare the official Cortes service, available here Iglesias defeated a Republican Eduardo Fernández del Pozo and liberals, Jaime Roura and Pablo Bosch y Barrau
when running from Gerona Iglesias got 2241 votes, El Norte 13.05.18, available here, which amounts to 31,6% of the voters and 20,0% of the electorate, see the official Cortes service here
Xosé A. Fraga Vázquez, Luis Iglesias Pardo. Un especialista en Medicina naval, [in:] Consello de Cultura Gallega service 02.05.14,, available here
born 1935, died 2015; for date of birth see La Vanguardia 19.10.35, available here, for date of death see Albert María Caso Iglesias entry, [in:] Capgros service, available here
for birth date see Dalmacio's birth certificates referenced above; in 1879 his father was 35 years old. For death date see El Noroeste 08.02.02, available here
Boletín oficial de la provincia de Cáceres 09.01.85, available here
La Correspondencia de España 02.05.94, available here
between June and December of 1910 Iglesias was noted at least 750 times in the press. In 1911 he was mentioned around 600 times, in 1912 around 450 times, in 1913 around 170 times and in 1914 around 110 times, compare prensahistorica service, available here, and hemerotecadigital service, available here
e.g. in July 1910 Iglesias demanded that all lerrouxista centres in Barcelona are closed as threat to public order, La Defensa 04.07.10, available here, and blamed the lerrouxistas for Semana Trágica, El Noticiero 07.07.10, available here. Many times he clashed with Radicals in the Cortes, compare Las Provincias 07.07.10, available here, including oral skirmishes with Lerroux himself, El Eco de Navarra 08.06.11, available here
Canalejas noted Iglesias' promise that he would "iba a matar la hidra revolucionaria con la punta de su espada", La Juventud 03.09.10, available here. In revenge Iglesias denounced Canalejas as a masonic tool of the English, El Clamor 08.04.11, available here. His claims about the English and the freemasonry made some impact in the Vatican diplomacy, Ramon Corts i Blay, La Setmana Tràgica de 1909: l'Arxiu Secret Vaticà, Montserrat 2009, ISBN9788498831443, p. 156
it is not clear how Iglesias' militant obrerismo translated into his parliamentary activity. In 1912 he proposed a draft law on "passive classes", yet no details are available, compare La Atalaya 09.03.12, available here. He was also in favor of regulations which legitimized strike action, La Región Cantabra 26.10.12, available here
see e.g. El Radical 26.06.10, available here, Las Provincias 04.01.12, available here, El Grano de Arena 03.02.12, available here, El Cantabrico 23.02.13, available here, Las Provincias 06.11.13, available here
La Correspondencia de Valencia 13.05.13, available here
in 1912 he was the 5th most interrogated deputy in the Cortes, with 46 cases against him, La Información 28.02.12, available here
some of his pamphlets might have triggered violence, compare La Correspondencia de España 03.08.10, available here. Clashes were not limited to Catalonia, as they occurred even when he did show up in his native Orense, El Progreso 26.10.10, available here. Some incidents were clearly provoked by Iglesias, e.g. when leading a group of requetés he used to interrupt movie showings or assaulted orchestra playing La Marseillaise, El Adelanto 26.05.11, available here; 1911 his Blona meeting and discourse on pornography ended up – as usual – in skirmishes, El Cantábrico 22.05.11, available here. As a result, the lerrouxistas awaited him to stage their own provocations, La Correspondencia de Alicante 02.10.11, available here. The list of clashes, skirmishes or riots related to him as listed in the press would cover tens of incidents
e.g. in Caraselva Iglesias was assaulted on the street, see El Salmantino 21.09.10, available here. In 1911 a train he was travelling at was shot at, or at least it was believed so, El Noroeste 13.09.11, available here
Diario de Córdoba 10.05.12, available here. He claimed he had not known Don Jaime before, see El Porvenir 02.07.12, available here, though one year earlier, in September 1911, he had been reported as departing to Frohsdor to speak with Don Jaime on organization of Carlism, La Atalaya 24.09.11, available here. Iglesias' stand versus Don Jaime is not clear. On the one hand it does not seem marked by particular loyalty; upon his 1910 election he refused to send a customary Carlist telegram message of adhesion and claimed he had to wait for approval from Comité de Defensa Social, La Correspondencia de España 14.04.10, available here. On the other hand, in June 1912 Iglesias felt competent to discuss Don Jaime's private issues and declare that he would soon marry a foregin princess, La Atalaya 01.06.12, available here
in 1910 a Republican daily claimed that Gerona was "feudo de don Dalmacio Iglesias" and agonised about his inquisitorial methods against the Liberals, El Pueblo 21.07.10, available here, but given his 1914 defeat the claims seem exaggerated or outdated
Heraldo de Gerona 15.06.14, available here. He was member of colegios in Barcelona, Lleida and Tarragona, Heraldo Alaves 01.12.17, available here
La Esquella de la Torratxa 03.03.16, available here. In early 1919 Iglesias was Inspector General de Requeté de Catalunya, El Norte 07.02.19, available here
La Correspondencia de España 27.06.15, available here; the English have been traditionally considered the enemies of Spain and other nations, compare here
contrary to usual opinions of Iglesias as anti-Catalanist españolista, he supported the concept that internal Carlist Catalan documents be written in Catalan, El Norte 30.12.17, available here
in early 1918 the Comité personal setup seems to have changed; Solferino and Junyent disappeared, while Teodoro Más emerged as president and Iglesias is secretary, which might be indicative of the body taken over by the Mellistas, El Norte 05.01.18, available here
when running from Gerona Iglesias got 2241 votes, El Norte 13.05.18, available here, which amounts to 31,6% of the voters and 20,0% of the electorate, see the official Cortes service here
Diario de Valencia 21.11.23, available here; himself as self-proclaimed representative of Catalan people together with other Barcelona personalities he presented the dictator with a historical sword, Diario de Burgos, 03.12.23, available here
Hoja Oficial de la Provincia de Barcelona 21.05.28, available here, for 1929 see also Hoja Oficial de la Provincia de Barcelona 09.09.28, available here, Winston 2014, p. 243
La Voz de Aragón 21.05.30, available here, Shlomó Ben-Amí, Fascism from above: the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain, 1923-1930, New York 1983, ISBN9780198225966, pp. 307-308
Diario de Valencia 05.01.26, available here; according to an encyclopaedia note in 1920 he was nominated "jefe de negociado de Hacienda, Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana, vol. 28, part I, Madrid 1925, p. 939
La Palanca 24.09.18, available here. Iglesias juridical works published were Existencia legal de las Órdenes religosas en España (1902), Capacidad jurídica de la mujer casada ante el derecho natural (1906), Nociones de administración y contabilidad de la Hacienda pública (1906), Educación y dirección de las nuevas multitudes (1909), Oposiciones al cuerpo de aspirantes a la judicatura y ministerio fiscal: contestación a las preguntas relativas a derecho civil (with José Morell y Terry, 1915) and Instituciones de Derecho eclesiástico con arreglo al nuevo Código del Derecho canónico (1918)
see Iglesias' birth certifice, available at the official website of the Spanish senate here and a copy of birth certificate available hereArchived 2018-03-08 at the Wayback Machine
see Iglesias' birth certifice, available at the official website of the Spanish senate here and a copy of birth certificate available hereArchived 2018-03-08 at the Wayback Machine
Javier Pérez-Roldán Suanzes-Carpegna, Janer y Milá de la Roca (María de los Ángeles de), [in:] Tradición Viva service 05.10.15, available here
see Iglesias' birth certifice, available at the official website of the Spanish senate here and a copy of birth certificate available hereArchived 2018-03-08 at the Wayback Machine
the provincial Carlist Gerona jefe was José María Vilahur, Albert Balcells, Joan B. Culla, Conxita Mir, Les eleccions generals a Catalunya de 1901 a 1923, Barcelona 1982, p. 222
La Correspondencia de España 27.06.15, available here; the English have been traditionally considered the enemies of Spain and other nations, compare here