Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Deluge (history)" in English language version.
These treaties were a substantial victory for Sweden, but she was again verging on bankruptcy
Fredsförhandlingarna togs med förnyad kraft och den 23 april 1660 slöts freden i Oliva mellan å ena sidan Sverige å andra Polen, Brandenburg och Österrike. Det var en bra fred för Sverige. Hotet från Polen var över och bara det var en god sak.
His sudden death in February 1660 gave his successor, Karl XI, the opportunity to sue for peace while terms were still favourable. The Treaty of Oliva (May 1660) recognised Hohenzollern sovereignty over Prussia in exchange for recognition of Swedish control over Livonia and Jan Kazimierz's abandonment of his claim to the Swedish throne.
During 'The Deluge', Commonwealth lost an estimated ⅓ of its population (proportionally higher losses than during World War II), and its status as a great power.
During 'The Deluge', Commonwealth lost an estimated ⅓ of its population (proportionally higher losses than during World War II), and its status as a great power.