Dott, Robert H. (1997) "James Dwight Dana's old tectonics; global contraction under divine direction" American Journal of Science 297: pp.283–311, p. 283; abstract, citing Chamberlin, Thomas C. and Salisbury, Rollin D. (1904–1906) Geology (3 volumes) H. Holt, New York, OCLC547718
Chorley, Richard J. (1963) "Diastrophic Background to Twentieth-Century Geomorphological Thought" Geological Society of America Bulletin 74(8): pp. 953–970; abstract
Burt, T. P. et al. (eds.) (2008) The History of the Study of Landforms: Quaternary and recent processes and form (1890–1965) and the mid-century revolution. (volume 4 of The History of the Study of Landforms; or, The Development of Geomorphology), p. 77, ISBN978-1-86239-249-6, citing: Dana, James D. (1873) "On some results of the earth's contraction from cooling, including a discussion of the origin of mountains, and the nature of the earth's interior" American Journal of Science (3rd series) Part I 5: pp.423–443; Part II 6: pp.6–14; Part IV pp.104–115 and Part V pp.161–171; as well as Iddings, Joseph P. (1914) The Problem of Volcanism Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, OCLC569285
Suess, Eduard (1885–1908) Das Antlitz der Erde F. Tempsky, Vienna, OCLC2903551, Note: volume 3 was published in two parts
Dott, Robert H. (1997) "James Dwight Dana's old tectonics; global contraction under divine direction" American Journal of Science 297: pp.283–311, p. 283; abstract, citing Chamberlin, Thomas C. and Salisbury, Rollin D. (1904–1906) Geology (3 volumes) H. Holt, New York, OCLC547718
Kallweit, Cheryl (February 1993). "Deformation Style and Structural Relationships Associated with a Well-Exposed Slump Block within the Tongue River Formation of the Fort Union Group, Carter County, Southeastern Montana". Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 25 (1). ISSN0016-7592.