Documentary hypothesis (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Documentary hypothesis" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
6th place
6th place
489th place
377th place
654th place
542nd place
26th place
20th place

  • Whisenant 2010, p. 679, "Instead of a compilation of discrete sources collected and combined by a final redactor, the Pentateuch is seen as a sophisticated scribal composition in which diverse earlier traditions have been shaped into a coherent narrative presenting a creation-to-wilderness story of origins for the entity 'Israel.'" Whisenant, Jessica (2010). "The Pentateuch as Torah: New Models for Understanding Its Promulgation and Acceptance by Gary N. Knoppers, Bernard M. Levinson". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 130 (4): 679–681. JSTOR 23044597.