Driving on Shabbat (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Driving on Shabbat" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,344th place
796th place
low place
low place
low place
low place


  • Rabbi Mendy Hecht. "How far am I allowed to walk on Shabbat?". Rabbis Answer Torah Questions 24/6.







  • Jonathan Wiesen, Driving Home on Friday for the Observant Physician: Toward a New Mindset: "R. Feinstein’s predominant belief is that one is not allowed a return journey home if the individual departs for the mission assuming that it will take a long time. If, however, it is the type of trip which is typically of a short duration, then one may return home even if it involves the violation of biblical prohibitions. If we were to prevent individuals in the latter case from returning home, that may cause them to be hesitant to attend to such situations in the future."