Flatau, E. Zakon ekstsentricheskago raspolozheniia dlinnykh putei v spinnom mozgu. Dissertation for the degree of doctor of medicine. Moscow, 1898, 117 pages + plates. A copy of this work with the dedication "For the highly esteemed Professor Aleksei Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov from the author" is in the collection Savine Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is available https://archive.org/details/zakonekstsentric00flat.
Louis, ED (2010), "The conceptualization and organization of the first International Neurological Congress (1931): The coming of age of neurology", Brain, 133 (Pt 7): 2160–6, doi:10.1093/brain/awq124, PMID20488888
Grób Edwarda Flatau w bazie danych Cmentarza Żydowskiego przy ul. Okopowej w Warszawie.
Eldridge R (1976), "Edward Flatau, Wladyslaw Sterling, Torsion spasm in Jewish children, and the early history of human genetics", Adv Neurol, 14 (14): 105–14, PMID782202
Louis, ED (2010), "The conceptualization and organization of the first International Neurological Congress (1931): The coming of age of neurology", Brain, 133 (Pt 7): 2160–6, doi:10.1093/brain/awq124, PMID20488888