Alan Levy. MacDowell, Edward. American National Biography Online. February 2000. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
J. Madison Taylor, A.M., M.D. Bromide Poisoning Mistaken for Paresis, in: Monthly Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, volume 9 (5), May 1906, p. 193-195.
See: Introductory Note by Dr. Allan J Eastman, in: Etude: The Music Magazine, vol. 40, December 1922, p. 817. But see "MacDowell's Protesting Demon," by Edward Robinson,
The American Mercury, August 1931, at 500-04 (describing his mental struggles and suggesting they were because he knew his Romantic style 'was a weak refuge in a past and decadent European culture.')
Robin Rausch (Music Specialist at the Library of Congress). MacDowell by E. Douglas Bomberger (review). Notes, Volume 71, Number 2, December 2014, pp. 280-283. DOI: 10.1353/not.2014.0150
Until 1975, it was generally accepted that MacDowell's year of birth was 1861. A scholarly article in The Musical Quarterly corrected this error.