Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eimuntas Nekrošius" in English language version.
Explaining his art, Nekrošius has said that a theater director is required to know how to read the production vertically, like a musical arrangement. A production, Nekrošius believes, must not only speak, but it must do so on several levels, using multiple systems of meaning, in concert, to achieve a cumulative, unified effect. In this play, for example, a powerful musical score develops concurrently with an array of sound effects, extending the range of non-verbal auditory communication from director to audience. Italian critic Valentina Valentini, author of a book-length treatment of Nekrošius's work, has described this characteristic use of sound: In Nekrošius's theater, unspoken means of expression.
The inventive use of fire, ice, water and iron is characteristic of Mr. Nekrosius's directing style, particularly in his recent Shakespeare productions. Lithuania, where the director lives and creates his new works with his company, Meno Fortas (Fortress of Art), is a country with a rich history of pagan kings and traditions.