Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Elise Stefanik" in English language version.
Her [Stefanik's] oldest known ancestor, Mikolaj Stefanik, a clearly Polish name, was born in Frysztak, Poland, a small shtetl located near Strzow, Jaslo, in southern Poland, as was presumably his wife, Veronika Zolniarz, whom he married in Frysztak.
Jej najstarszy znany przodek, Mikołaj Stefanik, wywodził się z gminy żydowskiej Frysztak koło Jasła. Babcią ze strony ojca była urodzona już w Amsterdamie Cecylia Anna Andrzejewska, z kolei dziadkiem ze strony ojca były Stanley Stefanik (wnuk Mikołaja). [English: Her oldest known ancestor, Mikołaj Stefanik, hailed from the Jewish shtetl of Frysztak near Jasło. Her grandmother on her father's side was Cecylia Anna Andrzejewska, already born in Amsterdam, while her grandfather on her father's side was Stanley Stefanik (Mikołaj's grandson).]
In addition to recognition of Manson and Schuker, the College will honor seniors Stacey Borden and Elise Stefanik, both honorable mentions for the Women's Leadership Award.
Jej najstarszy znany przodek, Mikołaj Stefanik, wywodził się z gminy żydowskiej Frysztak koło Jasła. Babcią ze strony ojca była urodzona już w Amsterdamie Cecylia Anna Andrzejewska, z kolei dziadkiem ze strony ojca były Stanley Stefanik (wnuk Mikołaja). [English: Her oldest known ancestor, Mikołaj Stefanik, hailed from the Jewish shtetl of Frysztak near Jasło. Her grandmother on her father's side was Cecylia Anna Andrzejewska, already born in Amsterdam, while her grandfather on her father's side was Stanley Stefanik (Mikołaj's grandson).]
Military readiness, training, logistics and maintenance issues and programs, military construction, installations and family housing issues, and the BRAC process are all part of the subcommittee's purview.
In addition to recognition of Manson and Schuker, the College will honor seniors Stacey Borden and Elise Stefanik, both honorable mentions for the Women's Leadership Award.
Military readiness, training, logistics and maintenance issues and programs, military construction, installations and family housing issues, and the BRAC process are all part of the subcommittee's purview.