Overland, Viveka; Bohusläns museum (2015-01-01). Bohus Stickning: på nytt = the revival. p. 12. ISBN9789176862681. OCLC932126336.
Keele, Wendy (1995-01-01). Poems of color: knitting in the Bohus tradition. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press. p. 12. ISBN1883010128. OCLC32738261.
Jacobsson-Stiasny, Emma (1913-01-01). Versuch einer histologisch-phylogenetischen Bearbeitung der Papilionaceae (in German). [S.l.]: [s.n.] OCLC68123260.
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Keele, Wendy (1995-01-01). Poems of color: knitting in the Bohus tradition. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press. p. 9. ISBN1883010128. OCLC32738261.
Keele, Wendy (1995-01-01). Poems of color: knitting in the Bohus tradition. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press. ISBN1883010128. OCLC32738261.
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Keele, Wendy (1995-01-01). Poems of color: knitting in the Bohus tradition. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press. p. 13. ISBN1883010128. OCLC32738261.
Overland, Viveka; Bohusläns museum (2015-01-01). Bohus Stickning: på nytt = the revival. p. 31. ISBN9789176862681. OCLC932126336.
Keele, Wendy (1995-01-01). Poems of color: knitting in the Bohus tradition. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press. pp. 20–21. ISBN1883010128. OCLC32738261.
Overland, Viveka; Bohusläns museum (2015-01-01). Bohus Stickning: på nytt = the revival. p. 28. ISBN9789176862681. OCLC932126336.
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