Empress Nara (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Empress Nara" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
27th place
51st place
1st place
1st place
8,352nd place
low place
379th place
3,474th place
low place
low place
854th place
590th place
6,036th place
low place
351st place
1,081st place
4,052nd place
low place
440th place
5,818th place
13th place
12th place
362nd place
245th place


  • "佘詩曼周迅同演繼皇后 為何斷髮失常成千古謎團" [Charmaine Sheh and Zhou Xun both portrayed the Step Empress. Why she cut her hair is a historical mystery]. Bastille Post (in Traditional Chinese). 29 August 2018. 《如懿傳》主要講述女主角(由周迅飾)烏拉那拉·如懿與乾隆之間的恩怨情仇。而如懿的歷史原型,就是乾隆第二任皇后純帝繼皇后輝發那拉氏,亦即是在《延禧》中,由佘詩曼輝發那拉·淑慎。("Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" mainly portrays the female lead (portrayed by Zhou Xun) Ula-Nara Ruyi and her dealings with the Qianlong Emperor. Ruyi is based on Qianlong's 2nd Empress, Lady Hoifa-Nara, which is the character Hoifa-Nara Shushen, portrayed by Charmaine Sheh in "Story of Yanxi Palace".)



  • "演甄嬛儿媳不讨喜 她曾是中国史上最小影后!" [She was not well-liked as Zhen Huan's daughter-in-law, but she was the youngest winner of a movie award in Chinese history]. China Times (in Simplified Chinese). 9 May 2016. Retrieved 8 June 2019. 将于2017年亮相的电视剧新作《后宫·如懿传》,由周迅主演,讲述的是甄嬛的儿媳妇-如懿的宫斗歷程,有关注《甄嬛传》和《如懿传》的观眾也一定知道,在《甄嬛传》中,主角如懿早就出现过,她在里头叫做青樱...(In Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, set to be released in 2017, Zhou Xun plays Zhen Huan's daughter-in-law, and portrays a story of strifes in the palace. Those who pay attention to "Empresses in the Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" will know that in "Empresses in the Palace", Ruyi's role already appeared. She was named Qingying in the series...)


  • Lee, Zoey (15 October 2018). "【有雷】周迅、范冰冰、佘詩曼都演過乾隆繼皇后!從《如懿》《延禧》解開烏拉(輝發)那拉氏的歷史爭議之謎" [(Spoiler) Zhou Xun, Fan Bingbing, and Charmaine Sheh all played Qianlong's Step Empress! Solving the mystery of the Ula (Hoifa) Nara historical debate from Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace and Story of Yanxi Palace]. Harper’s Bazaar (in Traditional Chinese). 由於《清史稿》和《清皇室四譜》都是民國之後才編定的,而且編定過程有很多問題,所以就可信度而言,《八旗滿洲氏族通譜》的資料比較可靠,可以推定繼皇后應當是輝發那拉氏。(As the "Draft History of Qing" and the "Four Genealogies of the Qing Royal House" are written during and after the Republican era, and the editorial process was riddled with problems, so, from a reliability standpoint, information from the Genealogy of the Manchu Clans are more reliable, and it can be said that the Empress is of the Hoifa-Nara tribe.)


  • "【皇上吃什麼】繼皇后如懿失寵的關鍵時刻 藏在乾隆南巡餐單內!" [(What The Emperor Ate) The key moments that led to Step Empress Ruyi's loss of imperial favour is hidden in the menu of Qianlong's southern tour!]. HK01 (in Traditional Chinese). 8 February 2019.
  • Chu, Yik Min (25 July 2018). "【延禧攻略】嫻妃大戰《還珠格格》小燕子 兩劇角色「駁得埋」?" [(Story of Yanxi Palace) Consort Xian battles Xiao Yanzi in My Fair Empress: The two characters "can be connected"?]. HK01 (in Traditional Chinese). ...一定要數在劇中扮演佘詩曼母親的戴春榮,單看名字大家可能不認識,但相信大家都沒有忘記在《還珠格格》前兩部中,專登同小燕子(趙薇飾)和紫薇(林心如飾)作對的可惡皇后,其實她就是嫻妃... (...We must count Dai Chunrong, who plays Charmaine Sheh's mother. People may not know her from her name, but people probably remember the wretched Empress that had a rivalry with Xiao Yanzi (portrayed by Vicki Zhao) and Ziwei (portrayed by Ruby Lin) in the first two installments of My Fair Empress. That character is actually Consort Xian.)



  • Chuang, Chi-fa. "清史館與清史稿: 清史館未刊紀志表傳的纂修及其史料價值" [Qing History Office and the Draft History of Qing: The editing of Qing History Office's unpublished records and annals and its historical value] (PDF). National Palace Museum (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 September 2020. Retrieved 23 May 2019. 《清史稿》彙集了大批的史料,將清朝歷史的輪廓,公開向世人亮相。《清史稿》出版後,流傳甚廣,久為中外學術界廣泛研究利用。《清史稿》謬誤百出,是不爭的事實,長久以來,多將《清史稿》的疏漏舛訛等缺點歸咎於《清史稿》的倉卒成書,未遑審訂。(The Draft History of Qing gathered a lot of historical information, and revealed to the public a contour of Qing Dynasty history. After the Draft History of Qing was published, it was widely disseminated, and has long been researched and used by academia, domestic and abroad. It is undisputed fact that the Draft History of Qing is riddled with errors. For a long time, the errors are blamed on the Draft History of Qing being rushed to publication, with no time for editing.)





  • Chung 2018: 那拉氏是滿清八大姓之一,支系繁多,烏拉那拉、輝發那拉、葉赫那拉、哈達那拉都屬那拉氏的分支。而所謂分支,即地域之分,也就是說,「那拉」才是真正姓氏,而前面的「烏拉」、「輝發」等則是地域上的區分。因此,這位乾隆繼后,無論是來自「烏拉」地區還是「輝發」地區,都不影響她被稱作「那拉氏」。(The Clan Nara is one of Qing Dynasty's 8 major clans, and has a complicated system of branches. Ula-Nara, Hoifa-Nara, Yehe-Nara, Hada-Nara are all branches of the Clan Nara. As for what "branches" mean, it's a geographical distinguisher, meaning "Nara" is the real surname, and that the prefix, such as "Ula" and "Hoifa", is merely a geographical identifier. That means, for this Qianlong Emperor consort, it doesn't matter whether she hails from the Ula or Hoifa area, she is still of the Clan Nara.) Chung, Yik (28 August 2018). "乾隆繼后那拉氏" [Qianlong's Step Empress of the Clan Nara]. Ta Kung Pao (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original on 24 May 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  • Chung 2018: 據《清皇室四譜》,那拉氏出生年份不詳,只知生於二月,鑲藍旗佐領那爾布之女... (According to the Four Genealogies of the Qing Royal House, Lady Nara's year of birth is unknown. It is only known that she was born in the second month. She was the daughter of niru ejen Narbu, of the Bordered Blue Banner.) Chung, Yik (28 August 2018). "乾隆繼后那拉氏" [Qianlong's Step Empress of the Clan Nara]. Ta Kung Pao (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original on 24 May 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2019.




  • Chuang, Chi-fa. "清史館與清史稿: 清史館未刊紀志表傳的纂修及其史料價值" [Qing History Office and the Draft History of Qing: The editing of Qing History Office's unpublished records and annals and its historical value] (PDF). National Palace Museum (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 September 2020. Retrieved 23 May 2019. 《清史稿》彙集了大批的史料,將清朝歷史的輪廓,公開向世人亮相。《清史稿》出版後,流傳甚廣,久為中外學術界廣泛研究利用。《清史稿》謬誤百出,是不爭的事實,長久以來,多將《清史稿》的疏漏舛訛等缺點歸咎於《清史稿》的倉卒成書,未遑審訂。(The Draft History of Qing gathered a lot of historical information, and revealed to the public a contour of Qing Dynasty history. After the Draft History of Qing was published, it was widely disseminated, and has long been researched and used by academia, domestic and abroad. It is undisputed fact that the Draft History of Qing is riddled with errors. For a long time, the errors are blamed on the Draft History of Qing being rushed to publication, with no time for editing.)
  • Chung 2018: 那拉氏是滿清八大姓之一,支系繁多,烏拉那拉、輝發那拉、葉赫那拉、哈達那拉都屬那拉氏的分支。而所謂分支,即地域之分,也就是說,「那拉」才是真正姓氏,而前面的「烏拉」、「輝發」等則是地域上的區分。因此,這位乾隆繼后,無論是來自「烏拉」地區還是「輝發」地區,都不影響她被稱作「那拉氏」。(The Clan Nara is one of Qing Dynasty's 8 major clans, and has a complicated system of branches. Ula-Nara, Hoifa-Nara, Yehe-Nara, Hada-Nara are all branches of the Clan Nara. As for what "branches" mean, it's a geographical distinguisher, meaning "Nara" is the real surname, and that the prefix, such as "Ula" and "Hoifa", is merely a geographical identifier. That means, for this Qianlong Emperor consort, it doesn't matter whether she hails from the Ula or Hoifa area, she is still of the Clan Nara.) Chung, Yik (28 August 2018). "乾隆繼后那拉氏" [Qianlong's Step Empress of the Clan Nara]. Ta Kung Pao (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original on 24 May 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  • Chung 2018: 據《清皇室四譜》,那拉氏出生年份不詳,只知生於二月,鑲藍旗佐領那爾布之女... (According to the Four Genealogies of the Qing Royal House, Lady Nara's year of birth is unknown. It is only known that she was born in the second month. She was the daughter of niru ejen Narbu, of the Bordered Blue Banner.) Chung, Yik (28 August 2018). "乾隆繼后那拉氏" [Qianlong's Step Empress of the Clan Nara]. Ta Kung Pao (in Traditional Chinese). Archived from the original on 24 May 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  • "明清第一任皇后之悲(下)" [The Tragedy of Ming, Qing's first Empresses (2nd Half)]. People's Daily (in Traditional Chinese). Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. 10 October 2012. Archived from the original on 30 May 2019. Retrieved 30 May 2019.



  • Zhang & Wu 1928: "皇后,烏喇那拉氏,佐領那爾布女。(The Empress, of the Ula-Nara, daughter of niru ejen Narbu)." Zhang, Caitian; Wu, Changshou (1928). "列傳一" [Biography 1]. 清史稿 (The Draft History of Qing) (in Traditional Chinese). 214. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  • 八旗滿洲氏族通譜卷二十四 輝發地方納喇氏 [Genealogy of the Manchu Clans Vol. 24: People with the surname Nala in the Hoifa area] (in Traditional Chinese). Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  • Zhang & Wu 1928: "三十年,從上南巡,至杭州,忤上旨,后剪髮,上益不懌,令后先還京師。(On the 30th year, [the Step Empress] followed the Emperor for a southern tour. She defied an imperial order in Hangzhou, and cut her hair, causing growing displeasure with the Emperor, who ordered the Step Empress to return to the capital. Zhang, Caitian; Wu, Changshou (1928). "列傳一" [Biography 1]. 清史稿 (The Draft History of Qing) (in Traditional Chinese). 214. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  • Zhang & Wu 1928: "三十一年七月甲午,崩。上方幸木蘭,命喪儀視皇貴妃。(Died on the Jiawu of the 7th month of the 31st year [of Qianlong]. His Majesty was at Mulan at the time, and ordered to treat the funeral as that of an Imperial Noble Consort.) Zhang, Caitian; Wu, Changshou (1928). "列傳一" [Biography 1]. 清史稿 (The Draft History of Qing) (in Traditional Chinese). 214. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  • "列傳八 諸王七" [Biography No. 8, Various Princes No. 7]. Draft History of Qing (in Traditional Chinese). 221. Retrieved 30 May 2019.