Originally due to L. Boltzmann. See part 2 of Vorlesungen über Gastheorie. Leipzig: J. A. Barth. 1898. OCLC01712811. ('Ergoden' on p.89 in the 1923 reprint.) It was used to prove equipartition of energy in the kinetic theory of gases.
Peters, Ole; Adamou, Alexander (February 28, 2021). "The time interpretation of expected utility theory". arXiv:1801.03680 [q-fin.EC].
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2019), "Probability, Risk, and Extremes", in Needham, Duncan (ed.), Extremes, Cambridge University Press, pp. 46–66
The introduction of the practical aspect of ergodicity breaking by introducing a "non-ergodicity time scale" is due to Palmer, R. G. (1982). "Broken ergodicity". Advances in Physics. 31 (6): 669. Bibcode:1982AdPhy..31..669P. doi:10.1080/00018738200101438.. Also related to these time-scale phenomena are the properties of ageing and the Mode-Coupling theory of Götze, W. (2008). Dynamics of Glass Forming Liquids. Oxford Univ. Press.
The introduction of the practical aspect of ergodicity breaking by introducing a "non-ergodicity time scale" is due to Palmer, R. G. (1982). "Broken ergodicity". Advances in Physics. 31 (6): 669. Bibcode:1982AdPhy..31..669P. doi:10.1080/00018738200101438.. Also related to these time-scale phenomena are the properties of ageing and the Mode-Coupling theory of Götze, W. (2008). Dynamics of Glass Forming Liquids. Oxford Univ. Press.
Originally due to L. Boltzmann. See part 2 of Vorlesungen über Gastheorie. Leipzig: J. A. Barth. 1898. OCLC01712811. ('Ergoden' on p.89 in the 1923 reprint.) It was used to prove equipartition of energy in the kinetic theory of gases.