Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eunuchs in Vietnam" in English language version.
Il y avait 5 especès de peine qui sont : marquer au visage , ablation du nez , amputation du pied , castration et mort ... celui de la journée le mandarin " Chanson populaire In 1825 Nguyen dynasty promulgated Gia Long code , but really ...
La dynastie de Nguyen promulgua le code de Gia Long en 1825 , rédigeant en tenant référence à celle de Hong Duc ... Il y avait 5 especès de peine qui sont : marquer au visage , ablation du nez , amputation du pied , castration et mort ...
To Hien Thanh, his trusted assistant and wife's kinsman, immediately picked up the reins of government. ... eunuchs by forbidding self-castration; these measures were litmus-test issues for Confucian historians in later centuries.
A 1162 imperial edict of Emperor Lý Anh Tông punished a man who had castrated himself with 80 strokes of the heavy stick and the tattooing of 23 characters on the left arm ( TT 1 : 288 ) . In 1464 Emperor Lê Thánh Tông warned people ...
D. Homosexuality and Vietnamese Law Proschan (Aronson 1999; "Frank" 2000) writes that neither homosexual identity nor behaviors had ... a prohibition of castration and selfcastration (Le Code, Article 305; Nguyen Code, Article 344).
Law in Traditional Vietnam : a Comparative Sino-Vietnamese Legal Study with Historical-juridical Analysis and Annotations Ngọg Huy Nguy~en ... In 1464 Emperor Lê Thánh Tông warned people against reckless selfcastration ( TT 3 : 189 ) .
Le Van Duyet was a eunudw since birth, though it's unclear whether he was a hermaphrodite or was castrated in preparation for a ... Later, Duyet ruled southern Vietnam as viceroy and defied King Minh Mang's order to persecute Christians.
Le Van Duyet was a eunuch since birth, though it's unclear whether he was ahermaphrodite or was castrated in ... 195 E5 [3] 1 Phan Dang Luu, Binh Thanh District 08/3841-2517 When the French colonized Vietnam, they did their best to.
The castrated men, who wore green and red floral gowns with flat, oval hats, arranged the emperor's night time activities and would be bribed ... Some saw this edict as a reaction to the courtier Le Van Duyet, who was himselfa eunuch.
Woodside, Vietnam and the Chinese Model, 286. 14. Ibid., 288–289. 15. Thanh Khoi Le, Le Vietnam, 366. 16. McLeod, The Vietnamese ... Since an intersex person is sterile, he can be compared to a eunuch or a surgically castrated male.
NORTHERN CENTRAL VIETNAM stomped the tiger to a bloody , mangled pulp , they would cheer . ... In 1848 , it was expanded to include a cemetery for castrated mandarins of the Nguyễn Dynasty . ... A sign marks 6km to Thanh Toàn .
此外,沿海平民在海上航行或捕撈漁獵,遇風漂流至越南者時有發生。如成化十三年, 廣東珠池奉御陳彜奏:南海縣民遭風飄至安南被編入軍隊及被閹禁者超過 100 人。5成化中, 海南文昌人吳瑞與同鄉劉求等 13 人到欽州做生意,遇風飄至安南,當局將他們"俱發屯田, 以瑞獨少,宮之"。6... 6《明孝宗實錄》卷一百五十三,弘治十二年八月辛卯。
Simplified Chinese:○满剌加国使臣端亚妈剌的那查等奏成化五年本国使臣微者然那入贡还至当洋被风漂至安南国微者然那与其傔从俱为其国所杀其余黥为官奴而幼者皆为所害又言安南据占城城池欲并吞满剌加之地本国以皆为王臣未敢兴兵与战适安南使臣亦来朝端亚妈剌的那查乞与廷辨兵部尚书陈钺以为此已往事不必深校宜戒其将来 上乃因安南使臣还谕其王黎灏曰尔国与满剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦结好藩屏王室岂可自恃富强以干国典以贪天祸满剌加使臣所奏朝廷虽未轻信尔亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其国复谕满剌加使臣曰自古圣王之驭四夷不追咎于既往安南果复侵陵尔国宜训练士马以御之 Traditional Chinese:○滿剌加國使臣端亞媽剌的那查等奏成化五年本國使臣微者然那入貢還至當洋被風漂至安南國微者然那與其傔從俱為其國所殺其餘黥為官奴而幼者皆為所害又言安南據占城城池欲併吞滿剌加之地本國以皆為王臣未敢興兵與戰適安南使臣亦來朝端亞媽剌的那查乞與廷辨兵部尚書陳鉞以為此已往事不必深校宜戒其將來 上乃因安南使臣還諭其王黎灝曰爾國與滿剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦結好藩屏王室豈可自恃富強以幹國典以貪天禍滿剌加使臣所奏朝廷雖未輕信爾亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其國複諭滿剌加使臣曰自古聖王之馭四夷不追咎于既往安南果複侵陵爾國宜訓練士馬以禦之
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: CS1 maint: others (link)Il y avait 5 especès de peine qui sont : marquer au visage , ablation du nez , amputation du pied , castration et mort ... celui de la journée le mandarin " Chanson populaire In 1825 Nguyen dynasty promulgated Gia Long code , but really ...
La dynastie de Nguyen promulgua le code de Gia Long en 1825 , rédigeant en tenant référence à celle de Hong Duc ... Il y avait 5 especès de peine qui sont : marquer au visage , ablation du nez , amputation du pied , castration et mort ...
To Hien Thanh, his trusted assistant and wife's kinsman, immediately picked up the reins of government. ... eunuchs by forbidding self-castration; these measures were litmus-test issues for Confucian historians in later centuries.
A 1162 imperial edict of Emperor Lý Anh Tông punished a man who had castrated himself with 80 strokes of the heavy stick and the tattooing of 23 characters on the left arm ( TT 1 : 288 ) . In 1464 Emperor Lê Thánh Tông warned people ...
D. Homosexuality and Vietnamese Law Proschan (Aronson 1999; "Frank" 2000) writes that neither homosexual identity nor behaviors had ... a prohibition of castration and selfcastration (Le Code, Article 305; Nguyen Code, Article 344).
Law in Traditional Vietnam : a Comparative Sino-Vietnamese Legal Study with Historical-juridical Analysis and Annotations Ngọg Huy Nguy~en ... In 1464 Emperor Lê Thánh Tông warned people against reckless selfcastration ( TT 3 : 189 ) .
此外,沿海平民在海上航行或捕撈漁獵,遇風漂流至越南者時有發生。如成化十三年, 廣東珠池奉御陳彜奏:南海縣民遭風飄至安南被編入軍隊及被閹禁者超過 100 人。5成化中, 海南文昌人吳瑞與同鄉劉求等 13 人到欽州做生意,遇風飄至安南,當局將他們"俱發屯田, 以瑞獨少,宮之"。6... 6《明孝宗實錄》卷一百五十三,弘治十二年八月辛卯。
Simplified Chinese:○满剌加国使臣端亚妈剌的那查等奏成化五年本国使臣微者然那入贡还至当洋被风漂至安南国微者然那与其傔从俱为其国所杀其余黥为官奴而幼者皆为所害又言安南据占城城池欲并吞满剌加之地本国以皆为王臣未敢兴兵与战适安南使臣亦来朝端亚妈剌的那查乞与廷辨兵部尚书陈钺以为此已往事不必深校宜戒其将来 上乃因安南使臣还谕其王黎灏曰尔国与满剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦结好藩屏王室岂可自恃富强以干国典以贪天祸满剌加使臣所奏朝廷虽未轻信尔亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其国复谕满剌加使臣曰自古圣王之驭四夷不追咎于既往安南果复侵陵尔国宜训练士马以御之 Traditional Chinese:○滿剌加國使臣端亞媽剌的那查等奏成化五年本國使臣微者然那入貢還至當洋被風漂至安南國微者然那與其傔從俱為其國所殺其餘黥為官奴而幼者皆為所害又言安南據占城城池欲併吞滿剌加之地本國以皆為王臣未敢興兵與戰適安南使臣亦來朝端亞媽剌的那查乞與廷辨兵部尚書陳鉞以為此已往事不必深校宜戒其將來 上乃因安南使臣還諭其王黎灝曰爾國與滿剌加俱奉正朔宜修睦結好藩屏王室豈可自恃富強以幹國典以貪天禍滿剌加使臣所奏朝廷雖未輕信爾亦宜省躬思咎畏天守法自保其國複諭滿剌加使臣曰自古聖王之馭四夷不追咎于既往安南果複侵陵爾國宜訓練士馬以禦之
Le Van Duyet was a eunudw since birth, though it's unclear whether he was a hermaphrodite or was castrated in preparation for a ... Later, Duyet ruled southern Vietnam as viceroy and defied King Minh Mang's order to persecute Christians.
Le Van Duyet was a eunuch since birth, though it's unclear whether he was ahermaphrodite or was castrated in ... 195 E5 [3] 1 Phan Dang Luu, Binh Thanh District 08/3841-2517 When the French colonized Vietnam, they did their best to.
The castrated men, who wore green and red floral gowns with flat, oval hats, arranged the emperor's night time activities and would be bribed ... Some saw this edict as a reaction to the courtier Le Van Duyet, who was himselfa eunuch.
Woodside, Vietnam and the Chinese Model, 286. 14. Ibid., 288–289. 15. Thanh Khoi Le, Le Vietnam, 366. 16. McLeod, The Vietnamese ... Since an intersex person is sterile, he can be compared to a eunuch or a surgically castrated male.
NORTHERN CENTRAL VIETNAM stomped the tiger to a bloody , mangled pulp , they would cheer . ... In 1848 , it was expanded to include a cemetery for castrated mandarins of the Nguyễn Dynasty . ... A sign marks 6km to Thanh Toàn .
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: CS1 maint: others (link)