Polybius, 5.104. According to Walbank, p. 66, note 5, this speech, "nonwithstanding rhetorical elements … bears the mark of a true version based on contemporary record."
According to Walbank, p. 71, note 1, the version of the treaty described in Livy, 23.33.9–12 which mention an Italian invasion by Philip, "are worthless annalistic fabrications".
Livy, 23.38. Livy says that 20 ships were outfitted and, along with the five ships that transported the agents to Rome, were sent to join Flaccus' fleet of 25 ships. In the same passage he says that 30 ships left Ostia for Tarentum and talks about a combined fleet of 55. Walbank, p. 75, note 2, says that the 55 number given by Livy is a mistake, citing "Holleaux, 187, n. 1."
According to Walbank, p. 102, note 2, Livy, 29.12 "is spoilt by annalistic contamination, which, in the interests of Roman policy, tries to run the Aetolian peace and the return of the Romans as closely together as possible".