Five Grains (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Five Grains" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
low place
low place
3,313th place
3,698th place
4th place
4th place
2nd place
2nd place
5th place
5th place
3rd place
3rd place
low place
7,877th place
27th place
51st place
2,913th place
5,132nd place

  • Bretschneider, Emil (1892). Botanicon Sinicum: Notes on Chinese Botany from Native and Western Sources, Part 2. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh. p. 137. They variously distinguish five, six or nine kinds of grain. The term wu ku or five kinds of grain seems to refer to the oldest classification of grain. It is attributed to the Emperor SHEN NUNG. The ancient commentators enumerated these five kinds as follows: 1.– tao, Rice. 2.– mai, comprising Wheat and Barley. 3.– tsi, Panicum miliaceum, the common Millet. 4.– shu, Panicum miliaceum, glutinous variety. 5.– shu, the Soy bean, Soja hispida. Some commentators have liang, Setaria italica, instead of tsi, others substitute ma, hemp, Cannabis sativa, for tuo, rice.

  • 孟子及其弟子公孙丑、万章等人. 滕文公上 (in Chinese). 后稷教民稼穡。樹藝五穀,五穀熟而民人育。
  • "藏氣法時論篇". 黃帝内經 – 素問 (in Chinese). 肝色青,宜食甘,粳米、牛肉、棗、葵皆甘。心色赤,宜食酸,小豆、犬肉、李、韭皆酸。肺色白,宜食苦,麥、羊肉、杏、薤皆苦。脾色黃,宜食鹹,大豆、豕肉、栗、藿皆鹹。腎色黑,宜食辛,黃黍、雞肉、桃、蔥皆辛。辛散,酸收,甘緩,苦堅,鹹耎。毒藥攻邪,五穀為養,五果為助,五畜為益,五菜為充,氣味合而服之,以補精益氣。

  • Liu, Yang; Xi, Yang; Zhang, Fei; Wang, Zhenzhen; Wang, Can; Yu, Shiyong; Chen, Xuexiang (3 February 2023). "Charring-induced morphological changes of Chinese "Five Grains": An experimental study". Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1063617. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 9935936. PMID 36818853.

  • 万国鼎 (1961). 五谷史话. 中华书局.
  • 游修龄 (1999). "论黍和稷". 农史研究文集. 中国农业出版社. '五谷'是自从《孟子》以来古籍上经常提到的五种主要粮食作物。尽管"五谷的名称略有出入(一作稻、黍、稷、麦、菽,一作麻、黍、稷、麦、菽),只是稻和麻的不同,黍稷始终一样。

  • 陳懷宇 (September 2007). "初唐時期佛教動植物分類 : 道宣《量處輕重儀》研究之三". In 高田, 時雄 (ed.). 唐代宗教文化與制度. 京都大學21世紀COE"東亞世界人文信息學研究教育基地".

  • Liu, Yang; Xi, Yang; Zhang, Fei; Wang, Zhenzhen; Wang, Can; Yu, Shiyong; Chen, Xuexiang (3 February 2023). "Charring-induced morphological changes of Chinese "Five Grains": An experimental study". Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1063617. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 9935936. PMID 36818853.

  • Liu, Yang; Xi, Yang; Zhang, Fei; Wang, Zhenzhen; Wang, Can; Yu, Shiyong; Chen, Xuexiang (3 February 2023). "Charring-induced morphological changes of Chinese "Five Grains": An experimental study". Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1063617. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 9935936. PMID 36818853.

  • 陆贾. 新语 (in Simplified Chinese). 民人食肉饮血,衣皮毛;至于神农,以为行虫走兽,难以养民,乃求可食之物,尝百草之实,察酸苦之味,教人食五谷

  • Liu, Yang; Xi, Yang; Zhang, Fei; Wang, Zhenzhen; Wang, Can; Yu, Shiyong; Chen, Xuexiang (3 February 2023). "Charring-induced morphological changes of Chinese "Five Grains": An experimental study". Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1063617. ISSN 1664-462X. PMC 9935936. PMID 36818853.