according to his own statement, "la horda roja asesinó veintitrés parientes próximos", quoted after Vallejo 2015. For events in Granja de Torrehermosa in September 1936 see Rodrigo González Ortín, Extremadura bajo la influencia soviética, Badajoz 1937, pp. 65-68, available here, also ABC 24.09.39, available here. The nationalist troops conquered Granja de Torrehermosa in early October 1936, see ABC (Seville) 06.10.1936, available here, though the area remained in the immediate rear of the frontline until early 1939, compare e.g. ABC (Seville) 05.02.38, available here. In January 1939 Granja was conquered by the Republican troops during their last offensive of the war; exact day is not clear, compare La Vanguardia 10.01.39, available here, and La Vanguardia 17.01.39, available here. Some time afterwards – probably in February 1939 – Granja was re-taken by the Nationalists
he noted that "nuestra universidad es la que corresponde a unas gentes que han perdido su identidad de patria", ABC 27.07.77, available here
José Martín Brocos Fernández, Una pequeña historia del Carlismo del siglo XX a través de tres semblanzas: Tomás Domínguez Arévalo, José María Arauz de Robles y Francisco Elías de Tejada, [in:] Arbil 120 (2005), available here
Justininano and Hermógenes were recorded in 1881 as abogados, Anuario del comercio, de la industria, de la magistratura y de la administración 1881, available here
La Correspondencia de España 01.09.13, available here
El Indispensable para el abogado y el útil para los demás 1914, p. 182, available here
La Discusión 24.04.64, available here; Tejada graduated in 1865, Datos Estadísticos 1865-1866, available here
compare Centro Zumalacarregui website, available here
Ayuso 2008, p. 20; now the institution is transformed into Consejo de Estudios Hispánicos "Felipe II", see its website available here
compare program of the conference titled Maestros del tradicionalismo hispánico de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, available here, a congress celebrating 175th anniversary of Carlism, available here or Anales, most of them available online here
for its recent fate see El Confidencial Digital 02.11.05, available here, also CEE Finca el Río, SA [in:] Servicio de Información sobre Discapacidad service, available hereArchived 2016-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
also later mayor of Madrid and co-author of the 1978 constitution, César Alonso de los Ríos, El viejo profesor, [in:] El Mundo 121, available here. For a sample of PhD thesis written under Tejada guidance see Vicente Marrero Suárez, La fundamentación filosófica de una filosofía jurídico-social en la obra del P. Ramírez [PhD Universidad de Sevilla, 1970], available here
Jacek Bartyzel, Tradycjonalizm a dyktatura. Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola wobec frankizmu, [in:] Legitymizm service, available here, also Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Francisco Elías de Tejada, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
Jacek Bartyzel, Elías de Tejada y Spinola Francisco, [in:] legitymizm service, available here. As a Catholic he remained deeply conservative, very uneasy with the Second Vatican Council and never reconciled with its outcome (Fernández de la Mora 1989, p. 8, Jacek Bartyzel, Franciszek Elías de Tejada y Spínola - hidalgo, filozof, karlista). Profoundly religious but not clerical, he commenced to assume anti-clerical shape following increasingly democratic and progressive stand of the Church – both global and Spanish (see his pun "Pablo Sexto – Mao Sexto", Bartyzel 2015, p. 241), or kept referring to Paul VI as "Montini" (Aquilino Duque, Menéndez Pelayo y la Universidad Internacional de Verano, [in:] Fundacion Nacional Francisco Franco service, available hereArchived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine). Invitation for him to join the Second Vatican Council has been issued, but for unclear reason has never reached him (Brocos Fernández 2005). Tejada was particularly hostile to the Christian-Democratic format of religion-inspired policy making, and allegedly developed hatred for its embodiment, Opus Dei, Javier Lavardin [José Antonio Parilla], Historia del ultimo pretendiente a la corona de España, Paris 1976, p. 146
"nacido en Madrid, pero de patria extremeña" – quoted after Fundación Elías de Tejada service, available here. See also Miguel Ayuso Torres, Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola, 30 años después, [in:] Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada XIV (2008), p. 15. Some scholars claim that in a metaphorical way, he was also (and felt himself so) "napolitano, sardo y contés, catalán y aragonés, vasco y portugués, andalúz y gallego", Estanislao Cantero, Francisco Elías de Tejada y la tradición española, [in:] Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada I (1995), p. 123. He even distinguished a specific Andalusian identity and admitted it, Lorca Navarrete, José F. Lora Navarrete, La tradición andaluza sagún Elías de Tejada, [in:] Ángel Sánchez de la Torre (ed.), Francisco Elías de Tejada. Figura y pensamiento, Madrid 1995 ISBN8486926890, pp. 103-108, María del Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña, Varios autores. Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spinola: Figura y pensamiento [review], [in:] Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada 2 (1996), p. 192. Some scholars refer to his "extremeñismo apasionado", see Goytisolo 1981, p. 106
allegedly rooted in Catholic, Thomist and foralist inspirations, pitted against regalist, ontology-based and centralised designs, in theory of politics, see Fundación Elías de Tejada service available here, Ayuso 2008, p. 20
El profesor Francisco Elias de Tejada y Spinola, [in:] Fundacion Elias de Tejada service, available here
El profesor Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spinola, [in:] Fundación Elias de Tejada service, available here
El profesor Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spinola, [in:] Fundación Elias de Tejada service, available here, Ayuso 2008, p. 20
Quiénes somos, [in:] Fundación Elías de Tejada service, available here
the institution evolved into Consejo de Estudios Hispánicos "Felipe II", currently presided by Miguel Ayuso under patronage of Don Sixto de Borbón, see its website available here. It staged Jornadas Hispánicas de Derecho Natural, organised 3 times since Tejadas death, compare here
compare program of the conference titled Maestros del tradicionalismo hispánico de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, available here, a congress celebrating 175th anniversary of Carlism, available here or Anales, most of them available online here
Elías de Tejada, Francisco, 1917-1978, [in:] Fundacion Ignacio Larramendi service, available here. In the 1930s a handful of them held estates larger than 5,000 ha - Fernando Hidalgo Lerdo de Tejada, Archivos, 957: Archivo de la Diputación Provincial de Badajoz, [in:] Hidalgo & Suárez, Estudio de Historia y Genealogía service 14.04.14, available here
Vallejo 2015; according to some scholars he died when delivering a lecture, see Jacek Bartyzel, Franciszek Elías de Tejada y Spínola - hidalgo, filozof, karlista, [in:] haggard service, available hereArchived 2016-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
according to his own statement, "la horda roja asesinó veintitrés parientes próximos", quoted after Vallejo 2015. For events in Granja de Torrehermosa in September 1936 see Rodrigo González Ortín, Extremadura bajo la influencia soviética, Badajoz 1937, pp. 65-68, available here, also ABC 24.09.39, available here. The nationalist troops conquered Granja de Torrehermosa in early October 1936, see ABC (Seville) 06.10.1936, available here, though the area remained in the immediate rear of the frontline until early 1939, compare e.g. ABC (Seville) 05.02.38, available here. In January 1939 Granja was conquered by the Republican troops during their last offensive of the war; exact day is not clear, compare La Vanguardia 10.01.39, available here, and La Vanguardia 17.01.39, available here. Some time afterwards – probably in February 1939 – Granja was re-taken by the Nationalists
Elías de Tejada, Francisco, 1917-1978, [in:] Fundacion Ignacio Larramendi service, available here. In the 1930s a handful of them held estates larger than 5,000 ha - Fernando Hidalgo Lerdo de Tejada, Archivos, 957: Archivo de la Diputación Provincial de Badajoz, [in:] Hidalgo & Suárez, Estudio de Historia y Genealogía service 14.04.14, available here
according to a dedicated bibliographical study - Consuelo Caballero Baruque, Francisco Elias de Tejada: bibliografia, Perugia 1984 - Tejada wrote 278 books (libros, opúsculos y monografías) and authored or co-authored 374 works including minor ones, referred after Ayuso 1997, p. 15, also Miguel Ayuso Torres, La filosofía jurídica y política de Francisco Elías de Tejada, Madrid 1994, ISBN8460495728, p. 40. The largest number of his works is available either via Fundacion Ignacio Larramendi available here or via the Dialnet Unirioja service, available here
e.g. taking part in the massive Quintillo gathering of Andalusian Carlists, see also his Por qué fuí a Requete y porqué voy a Quintillo, [in:] Fundación Ignacio Larramendi service, available hereArchived 2016-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
according to his own statement, "la horda roja asesinó veintitrés parientes próximos", quoted after Vallejo 2015. For events in Granja de Torrehermosa in September 1936 see Rodrigo González Ortín, Extremadura bajo la influencia soviética, Badajoz 1937, pp. 65-68, available here, also ABC 24.09.39, available here. The nationalist troops conquered Granja de Torrehermosa in early October 1936, see ABC (Seville) 06.10.1936, available here, though the area remained in the immediate rear of the frontline until early 1939, compare e.g. ABC (Seville) 05.02.38, available here. In January 1939 Granja was conquered by the Republican troops during their last offensive of the war; exact day is not clear, compare La Vanguardia 10.01.39, available here, and La Vanguardia 17.01.39, available here. Some time afterwards – probably in February 1939 – Granja was re-taken by the Nationalists
La Vanguardia 05.10.76, available here, also La Vanguardia 24.09.76, available here
some sources claim he was to run from Huelva, La Vanguardia 10.05.77, available here
Jacek Bartyzel, Elías de Tejada y Spinola Francisco, [in:] legitymizm service, available here. As a Catholic he remained deeply conservative, very uneasy with the Second Vatican Council and never reconciled with its outcome (Fernández de la Mora 1989, p. 8, Jacek Bartyzel, Franciszek Elías de Tejada y Spínola - hidalgo, filozof, karlista). Profoundly religious but not clerical, he commenced to assume anti-clerical shape following increasingly democratic and progressive stand of the Church – both global and Spanish (see his pun "Pablo Sexto – Mao Sexto", Bartyzel 2015, p. 241), or kept referring to Paul VI as "Montini" (Aquilino Duque, Menéndez Pelayo y la Universidad Internacional de Verano, [in:] Fundacion Nacional Francisco Franco service, available hereArchived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine). Invitation for him to join the Second Vatican Council has been issued, but for unclear reason has never reached him (Brocos Fernández 2005). Tejada was particularly hostile to the Christian-Democratic format of religion-inspired policy making, and allegedly developed hatred for its embodiment, Opus Dei, Javier Lavardin [José Antonio Parilla], Historia del ultimo pretendiente a la corona de España, Paris 1976, p. 146
Jacek Bartyzel, Tradycjonalizm a dyktatura. Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola wobec frankizmu, [in:] Legitymizm service, available here, also Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Francisco Elías de Tejada, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
some claim that he co-founded Ediciones Montejurra, Jacek Bartyzel, Tradycjonalizm a dyktatura. Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola wobec frankizmu, [in:] Legitymizm service, available here, the same opinion in Vázquez de Prada 2016, p. 124
Jacek Bartyzel, Elías de Tejada y Spinola Francisco, [in:] legitymizm service, available here; according to other authors the name of the party was Comunión Católico-Monárquica, Canal 2000, p. 393. In 1986 it merged into Comunión Tradicionalista Carlista, César Alcalá, D. Mauricio de Sivatte. Una biografía política (1901-1980), Barcelona 2001, ISBN8493109797, p. 191
VII Premio Francisco Elías de Tejada, [in:] RACMYP Noticias 18.07.13, available hereArchived 2014-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
which suggest that he had little to do with Carlism prior to 1936. Asked why he joined the Carlists, Tejada allegedly responded: "porque en el mapa político de España en 1936 el Requeté era la sola encarnación completa de la savia patria: el único movimiento que enarbolaba la bandera de las edades de oro de nuestros pueblos: las aspas rojas de sangre sobre el blanco teológico de la verdad católica. El Requeté era a secas España y yo soy español. Porque la amenaza europea y protestante contra las Españas sigue en pie: ejemplo, la vergonzosa actitud de las Europas "yankees" contra el hermano Portugal. Porque 1936 no fue más que un eslabón más en la larguísima cadena de nuestras luchas defendiendo la Cristiandad contra Europa: Pavía, Mühlberg, la Invencible, Nordlingen, Rocroy, el reparto de Utrecht, la ayuda inglesa al separatismo americano, el filibusterismo anglosajón del 98, la ayuda franco-inglesa a Negrín... Porque mientras las Españas sean el postrer reducto de la Cristiandad, los carlistas estaremos montando la guardia contra sus seculares enemigos", quoted after ¿Por qué fue carlista Francisco Elías de Tejada?, [in:] Reino Granada service 22.06.15, available here
Jesús Vallejo, Elías de Tejada y Spínola, Francisco (1917-1978) entry, [in:] Diccionario de Catedráticos Españoles de Derecho service 2015, available hereArchived 2020-08-15 at the Wayback Machine
according to a dedicated bibliographical study - Consuelo Caballero Baruque, Francisco Elias de Tejada: bibliografia, Perugia 1984 - Tejada wrote 278 books (libros, opúsculos y monografías) and authored or co-authored 374 works including minor ones, referred after Ayuso 1997, p. 15, also Miguel Ayuso Torres, La filosofía jurídica y política de Francisco Elías de Tejada, Madrid 1994, ISBN8460495728, p. 40. The largest number of his works is available either via Fundacion Ignacio Larramendi available here or via the Dialnet Unirioja service, available here
also later mayor of Madrid and co-author of the 1978 constitution, César Alonso de los Ríos, El viejo profesor, [in:] El Mundo 121, available here. For a sample of PhD thesis written under Tejada guidance see Vicente Marrero Suárez, La fundamentación filosófica de una filosofía jurídico-social en la obra del P. Ramírez [PhD Universidad de Sevilla, 1970], available here
for its recent fate see El Confidencial Digital 02.11.05, available here, also CEE Finca el Río, SA [in:] Servicio de Información sobre Discapacidad service, available hereArchived 2016-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
La Discusión 24.04.64, available here; Tejada graduated in 1865, Datos Estadísticos 1865-1866, available here
for its recent fate see El Confidencial Digital 02.11.05, available here, also CEE Finca el Río, SA [in:] Servicio de Información sobre Discapacidad service, available hereArchived 2016-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
Jesús Vallejo, Elías de Tejada y Spínola, Francisco (1917-1978) entry, [in:] Diccionario de Catedráticos Españoles de Derecho service 2015, available hereArchived 2020-08-15 at the Wayback Machine
Vallejo 2015; according to some scholars he died when delivering a lecture, see Jacek Bartyzel, Franciszek Elías de Tejada y Spínola - hidalgo, filozof, karlista, [in:] haggard service, available hereArchived 2016-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
Jacek Bartyzel, Elías de Tejada y Spinola Francisco, [in:] legitymizm service, available here. As a Catholic he remained deeply conservative, very uneasy with the Second Vatican Council and never reconciled with its outcome (Fernández de la Mora 1989, p. 8, Jacek Bartyzel, Franciszek Elías de Tejada y Spínola - hidalgo, filozof, karlista). Profoundly religious but not clerical, he commenced to assume anti-clerical shape following increasingly democratic and progressive stand of the Church – both global and Spanish (see his pun "Pablo Sexto – Mao Sexto", Bartyzel 2015, p. 241), or kept referring to Paul VI as "Montini" (Aquilino Duque, Menéndez Pelayo y la Universidad Internacional de Verano, [in:] Fundacion Nacional Francisco Franco service, available hereArchived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine). Invitation for him to join the Second Vatican Council has been issued, but for unclear reason has never reached him (Brocos Fernández 2005). Tejada was particularly hostile to the Christian-Democratic format of religion-inspired policy making, and allegedly developed hatred for its embodiment, Opus Dei, Javier Lavardin [José Antonio Parilla], Historia del ultimo pretendiente a la corona de España, Paris 1976, p. 146
e.g. taking part in the massive Quintillo gathering of Andalusian Carlists, see also his Por qué fuí a Requete y porqué voy a Quintillo, [in:] Fundación Ignacio Larramendi service, available hereArchived 2016-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
published jointly with Rafael Gambra and Francisco Puy Muñoz, full digital version available hereArchived 2016-02-07 at the Wayback Machine
See the letter of Juan Cabré Cires, La Vanguardia 5/10/76, available here
VII Premio Francisco Elías de Tejada, [in:] RACMYP Noticias 18.07.13, available hereArchived 2014-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
according to his own statement, "la horda roja asesinó veintitrés parientes próximos", quoted after Vallejo 2015. For events in Granja de Torrehermosa in September 1936 see Rodrigo González Ortín, Extremadura bajo la influencia soviética, Badajoz 1937, pp. 65-68, available here, also ABC 24.09.39, available here. The nationalist troops conquered Granja de Torrehermosa in early October 1936, see ABC (Seville) 06.10.1936, available here, though the area remained in the immediate rear of the frontline until early 1939, compare e.g. ABC (Seville) 05.02.38, available here. In January 1939 Granja was conquered by the Republican troops during their last offensive of the war; exact day is not clear, compare La Vanguardia 10.01.39, available here, and La Vanguardia 17.01.39, available here. Some time afterwards – probably in February 1939 – Granja was re-taken by the Nationalists
along Gambra, d'Ors and Canals, who elevated the Carlist doctrine to its highest levels just when the Carlist movement started to fall into profound crisis, Miguel Ayuso, El Carlismo y su signo, [in:] Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada 14 (2008) [furtherly referred as Ayuso 2008 (2)], p. 125; some commentators noticed that "die Eule der Minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden Dämmerung ihren Flug"; there are scholars who think that "among the Carlist thinkers of the post-war period, the first place goes to Rafael Gambra", Adam Wielomski, Hiszpania Franco, Biała Podlaska 2006, ISBN8392158695, p. 234