Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado" in English language version.

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  • Brito, Adilson J. I. ""Correrias" luso-americanas no País das Amazonas: projetos reformistas e conexões transfronteiriças (1772-1777)" (Luso-American relations in the Amazon Region: Reform projects and cross-border connections (1772-1777)). p. 5. Uploaded to [13] (in Portuguese). Accessed 2 February 2019.

  • The book referred to is Gomes, Francisco Luis. Le marquis de Pombal, esquisse de sa vie publique (The Marquis of Pombal, sketch of his public life). Imprimerie Franco-Portugaise, 1869. [25] (in French) Accessed 18 January 2019.
  • Soriano, Simão José da Luz. Historia de reinado de el-rei D. José e da administração do marquez de Pombal : precedida de uma breve notícia dos antecedentes reinados, a começar no de el-rei D. João IV, em 1640. Vol. 1. Thomaz Quintino Antunes, 1867. p. 381. [26] (in Portuguese). Accessed 18 January 2019.

  • Matriz de Villa Viçosa: Obitos 1767–1791 (Mother Church of Vila Viçosa: Deaths 1767–1791). [23] (see PT-ADEVR-PRQ-VVC03-003-0003_m0020.tif) (in Portuguese). Accessed 25 March 2019)

  • It was only one part of an ongoing struggle between Spain and Portugal regarding each empire's rightful ownership of South American territory. Christopher Columbus's first voyage had prompted the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas to avoid colonial conflict, but its demarcation line between the empires — notionally 370 "leagues" west of "the Cape Verde Islands" — had never been formally computed or recognised.(See Harrisse, Henry (1897), The Diplomatic History of America: Its First Chapter 1452—1493—1494, London: Stevens. pp. 83-87.) Even once the Spanish discovered that the agreement entitled the Portuguese to only a sliver of South America, they ignored Portugal's moves to extend far beyond the line, claiming lands as far as the Amazon. (see "Historical Setting: The Colonial Era, 1500-1815: Frontier Expansion That Shaped Brazil." Brazil: A Country Study. Edited by Rex A. Hudson. Government Printing Office, Library of Congress, 1997. [6] (in English). Accessed 2 February 2019.)

  • Cruz, Miguel Dantas da. Furtado, Francisco Xavier de Mendonça (1701-1769).[5] E-Dicionário da Terra e do Território no Império Português, 2015. Doi:10.15847/cehc.edittip.2015v003.

  • Amaral, Luciano. "Prosperity In The Early 1700s Gives Way To Decline." Economic History of Portugal. EH.Net Encyclopedia, 2008. Available online at [7]

  • Alden. "Andrade, Gomes Freire de (1688–1763)." Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Online at [20] (in English). Accessed 7 February 2019.

  • Historian Cláudio Dumont supports this idea: "It is on the basis of Portugal's concern to surround borders and prevent the occupation and undue appropriation of this immense territory that the colony happens to have two viceroyalties." (See Dumont, Cláudio André Pires. Instruções régias sobre a proteçāo indígena do 2º vice-reinado do Brasil 1751 (Royal Instructions on the Indigenous Protection of the Second Viceroyalty of Brazil 1751). p. 1. Online from the Universidade Estácio de Sá. [14] (in Portuguese). Accessed 2 February 2019.

  • Silva, Jaime José S. "Forte de São Joaquim do Rio Branco" (Fort of São Joaquim do Rio Branco). Projeto Fortalezas Multimídia. [16] (in Portuguese). Accessed 8 March 2019.

  • Santos, Fabiano Vilaça dos. "A Casa e o Real Serviço: Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado e o Governo do Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão (1751-1759)" (The House and the Royal Service: Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado and the Government of the State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão (1751–1759)). Revista, Instituto Histórico Geográfico Brasileiro (Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute) (IHGB). Rio de Janeiro, January–March 2010. Vol. 446, pp. 75-125 [1] (in Portuguese) Accessed 8 January 2019.

  • Although, use of the word "largest" seems misleading for, as Alden points out, in 1700 Belém's population was only 500 and had grown only to 2,500 by mid-century. (See Alden, Dauril. “The Significance of Cacao Production in the Amazon Region during the Late Colonial Period: An Essay in Comparative Economic History.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 120, no. 2, 1976. p. 113. Available online at JSTOR [15]. Accessed 21 Jan. 2024.

  • Ermida das Mercês (Chapel of Mercy), Lisbon. [2] (in Portuguese).

  • For further information on this subject, see Roller, Heather F. Amazonian Routes: Indigenous Mobility and Colonial Communities in Northern Brazil. Stanford University Press, 2014. ISBN 0-8047-8708-5 or McKeown, Marie. "Indigenous People of Latin America: An Introduction." Published online by Owlcation [19] (in English). Accessed 16 March 2019.)

  • Gusta, Francesco. Anecdotes du ministère de Sébastien-Joseph Carvalho, Comte d'Oyeras, Marquis de Pombal, sous le règne de Joseph I, roi de Portugal, nouvelle édition. Varsovie: Janosrowicki, 1784. pp. 325–326 [n a]. [21] (in French). Accessed 13 January 2019.
  • The full text reads:

    "The whole Court was in Vila Viçosa in the month of November, with the exception of the young Prince of Beira, who had been left in Lisbon under the guard of his governors, the Marquis d'Alvitto and the Countess de Pombeiro. Count d'Oeiras had remained in the capital, to watch closely the general progress of affairs. However, feeling the need to take a little rest he went to spend a few days at his property of Oeiras, and absolutely wanted to take the young Prince, whatever needed to be said to him to convince the Marquis and Countess in charge of the guard of this august Child. They did not ignore what they feared, that is exposing themselves to the vengeance of this implacable Minister; however, they thought that they should not set aside informing their Majesties immediately of this event. The King paid little attention to it; but the Queen was so angry with Carvalho that, having met his brother Mendonça, she crushed him with the harshest reproaches, and made him bear all the weight of her resentment. Mendonça in despair, retired to his apartment, where he was seized with a fever so violent, that it took him away after three days." (See Gusta. Mémoires du Sébastien-Joseph Carvalho e Melo, Comte d'Oyeras, Marquis de Pombal, Secrétaire d'Etat et Premier Ministre du Roi de Portugal Joseph I. (Memoirs of Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Count of Oeiras, Marquis of Pombal, Secretary of State and Prime Minister of the King of Portugal José I.) Vol. 3. 1784. pp. 144–145. [22] (in French). Accessed 13 January 2019.)

  • For a detailed examination of the historical background, social and economic outcomes in colonial Brazil, and the ongoing impact this is having in modern times, see Carvalho, Benjamin de. “The modern roots of feudal empires: The donatary captaincies and the legacies of the Portuguese Empire in modern Brazil.” Legacies of Empire: Imperial Roots of the Contemporary Global Order. Edited by Sandra Halperin and Ronen Palan. Cambridge University Press: 2015. Ch. 6, pp. 128-148. Available online at [8]. Accessed 6 January 2024.

  • One historian refers to Carvalho e Melo and Mendonça Furtado as stepbrothers. (See Hemming, John. Red Gold: The conquest of the Brazilian Indians. Harvard University Press, 1978. p. 476. (in English). Available online at [4]. Accessed 22 December 2019. ISBN 0-674-75107-8.) but there is no evidence to support this.

  • Torre do Tombo, Chancelaria de D. José I. Carta de patente de Governador e Capitão-General do Estado do Maranhão a Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado (Appointment Letter of Governor and Captain-General to Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado). 7 June 1751. Torre do Tombo, Chancelaria de D. José I, I–L. 82, fol. 377. Cited in Mendonça, Marcos Carneiro de. A Amazônia na era Pombalina, 2nd ed. Vol. 1, Correspondência do Governador e Capitão-General do Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão, Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado 1751-1759. Senado Federal, Congresso Nacional, Brasília, 2005. pp. 81–83. [9] (in Portuguese). Accessed 14 January 2019.
  • Silva, João Antônio Pinto da "Diário da viagem que o Ilmo e Exmo Sr. Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado, Governador e Capitão-General do estado do Maranhão, fez para o Rio Negro. A expedição das demarcações dos reais domínios de Sua Majestade." (Diary of the voyage of [His] Honourable Excellency Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado, Governor and Captain-General of the state of Maranhão, made to the Rio Negro. The expedition for the demarcations of His Majesty's royal dominions.) Quoted in full in Mendonça, Marcos Carneiro de. A Amazônia na era Pombalina, 2nd ed. Vol. II. p. 256 Senado Federal, Congresso Nacional, Brasília, 2005. [17] (in Portuguese). Accessed 12 February 2019.

  • Toponímia de Lisboa (Placenames of Lisbon). "A Travessa da primeira Igreja das Mercês, a do Marquês de Pombal" (The Crossroad of the first Church of Mercy, the Marquis of Pombal). [3]. Accessed 23 December 2019.)

  • Azevedo, João Lúcio de. Estudos de história paraense (Study of Pará's history). Tavares Cardoso & Co, 1893. [24] (in Portuguese) Accessed 10 January 2019.

  • Richardson, Lucas. "For the Good of the King's Vassals" Francisco Xavier de Mendonça Furtado and the Portuguese Amazon, 1751-1759. Part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky, 2015. Published online by UKnowledge. pp. 16–17. [12] Accessed 20 December 2018.

  • Glielmo, Gustavo Ferreira. "O projeto português para a Amazônia e a Companhia de Jesus (1751–1759): Reflexos do confronto entre absolutismo ilustradoe poder religiosa na América equinocial" (The Portuguese project for the Amazon and the Society of Jesus (1751–1759): Reflections of the confrontation between Enlightened Absolutism and religious power in equinoctial America). Dissertation presented to the Postgraduate Program in History of the University of Brazil, as a partial requirement to obtain a master's degree in Social History, 16 July 2010. p. 93. [11] Archived 2018-11-05 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese). Accessed 18 February 2019.

  • For a detailed analysis of the "Royal Instructions" see Raymundo, Letícia de Oliveira. "O Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão na nova ordem política pombalina: A Companhia Geral do Grão-Pará e Maranhão e o Diretório dos Índios (1755-1757)" (The State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão in Pombal's [ie Carvalho e Melo's, Pombal being a reference to a title later granted to him] new political order: The Grão-Pará and Maranhão General Company and the Indians Directory (1755-1757)). Published in Research Reports, Almanack braziliense, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB), Universidade de São Paulo, No. 3, May 2006. pp. 124–134. Online version is accessible at [10] (in Portuguese). Accessed 7 February 2019. ISSN 2236-4633.

  • One of whom was Italian astronomer Giovanni Angelo Brunelli whose written records of the Amazon and the journey are of significance. (see Papavero, Nelson, Abner Chiquieri, William L. Overal, Nelson Sanjadand Riccardo Mugnai. Os escritos de Giovanni Angelo Brunelli, 1722-1804, sobre a Amazônia Brasileira (The writings of Giovanni Angelo Brunelli, 1722-1804, on the Brazilian Amazon). Fórum Landi, Universidade Federal do Pará, 2011. [18] (in Portuguese and Italian). Accessed 5 March 2019. ISBN 85-63728-04-0.)

  • Glielmo, Gustavo Ferreira. "O projeto português para a Amazônia e a Companhia de Jesus (1751–1759): Reflexos do confronto entre absolutismo ilustradoe poder religiosa na América equinocial" (The Portuguese project for the Amazon and the Society of Jesus (1751–1759): Reflections of the confrontation between Enlightened Absolutism and religious power in equinoctial America). Dissertation presented to the Postgraduate Program in History of the University of Brazil, as a partial requirement to obtain a master's degree in Social History, 16 July 2010. p. 93. [11] Archived 2018-11-05 at the Wayback Machine (in Portuguese). Accessed 18 February 2019.

  • The Spanish team also included Second Commissioner Eugenio de Alvarado, Third Commissioner Antonio de Urrutia, Fourth Commissioner José Solana y Bote, Adjutant to First Commissioner Juan Ignacio de Madariaga, cosmographers [astronomers] Ignacio Milhau, Vicente Doz and Nicolás Guerrero, José Mariano Monroy, Juan Sánchez Galán, José Santos Cabrera and the Jesuit Francisco Javier Haller. The surgeons were Matías Vercial, Antonio Álvarez, Antonio Ramírez and Francisco Rodríguez; the pilots Santiago Zuluaga Francisco Guillín, José Blanco and Valentín Cierto. There were botanist including Pehr Löfling, Benito Paltor and Antonio Condal [after whom the genus Condalia was named], and the illustrators Bruno Salvador Carmona and Juan de Dios Castel. This continued until 1761. (Giraldo, Manuel Lucena. Laboratorio tropical: la expedición de límites al Orinoco, 1750-1767 (Tropical laboratory: the expedition of limits to the Orinoco, 1750-1767). Monte Avila Latinoamericana, 1991. pp. 105–129. ISBN 978-980-01-0709-6.)

  • For a detailed analysis of the "Royal Instructions" see Raymundo, Letícia de Oliveira. "O Estado do Grão-Pará e Maranhão na nova ordem política pombalina: A Companhia Geral do Grão-Pará e Maranhão e o Diretório dos Índios (1755-1757)" (The State of Grão-Pará and Maranhão in Pombal's [ie Carvalho e Melo's, Pombal being a reference to a title later granted to him] new political order: The Grão-Pará and Maranhão General Company and the Indians Directory (1755-1757)). Published in Research Reports, Almanack braziliense, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB), Universidade de São Paulo, No. 3, May 2006. pp. 124–134. Online version is accessible at [10] (in Portuguese). Accessed 7 February 2019. ISSN 2236-4633.
  • McGinness, Anne B. "The Historiography of the Jesuits in Brazil Prior to the Suppression." Jesuit Historiography Online. Edited by Robert A. Maryks. BrillOnline Reference Works, July 2018. [39] (in English). Accessed 21 January 2019. ISSN 2468-7723
  • Azevedo e Silva, José Manuel . "O modelo pombalino de colonização da Amazónia" (The Pombaline Model of Colonization of the Amazonia). Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, Universidade de Coimbra, Vol 3. 2003. p. 24. (in Portuguese). Accessed 28 February 2019. ISSN 1645-2259.