François Duvalier (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "François Duvalier" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
5th place
5th place
1st place
1st place
70th place
63rd place
3rd place
3rd place
325th place
255th place
6th place
6th place
7th place
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2nd place
833rd place
567th place
1,217th place
6,195th place
11th place
8th place
9,134th place
6,268th place
3,051st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place
92nd place
72nd place
4,098th place
4,610th place
1,540th place
958th place
61st place
54th place
105th place
79th place
1,015th place
717th place
150th place
107th place
low place
low place

  • "Haiti: Papa Doc's concordat (1966)". Concordat Watch. Archived from the original on 16 January 2015. This concordat let Dr. François Duvalier ('Papa Doc') nominate seven key clerics, thus ensuring their personal loyalty to him. It also stipulates that future appointments should be 'preferentially to members of the indigenous clergy'. Both these measures helped bring the Haitian church under Papa Doc's control.

  • Fatton, Robert Jr. (2013). "Michel-Rolph Trouillot's State Against Nation: A Critique of the Totalitarian Paradigm". Small Axe. 17 (3–42): 208. doi:10.1215/07990537-2379009. ISSN 1534-6714. S2CID 144548346. In 1963, Duvalier created the Parti de l'unité nationale—PUN (National Unity Party)—to constitute a single-party system. ... the existence of a single party as one of the defining characteristics of the totalitarian nature of Duvalierism ... the party had a thoroughly inconsequential role in the Duvalierist system.
  • Peschanski, João Alexandre (2013). "Papa Doc's Feint: the misled opposition and the consolidation of Duvalier's rule in Haiti". Teoria e Pesquisa. 22 (2): 1–10. doi:10.4322/tp.2013.016. ISSN 0104-0103.
  • Dobronravin, Nikolay (28 September 2020). "The Comintern, "Negro Self-Determination" and Black Revolutions in the Caribbean". Interfaces Brasil/Canadá. 20: 1–18. doi:10.15210/interfaces.v20i0.19464.

  • Murray, Rolland (2008). "Black Crisis Shuffle: Fiction, Race, and Simulation". African American Review. 42 (2): 215–233. JSTOR 40301207. Haitian president François "Papa Doc" Duvalier infamously claimed that his [Vodou] curse on John F. Kennedy brought about the President's 1963 assassination.

  • Péan, Leslie (24 July 2014). "Métaspora de Joël Des Rosiers ou l'art comme dépassement de la vie quotidienne". Le Nouvelliste (in French). Port‑au‑Prince. Archived from the original on 9 November 2015. Dans un mélange de subtilité allusive et de rigueur architecturale, Joël Des Rosiers décrit ainsi la détresse psychique du dictateur: « François Duvalier chasse Joseph Dunès Olivier de la magistrature. Il fut ostracisé pour avoir notarié l'acte de candidature à l'élection présidentielle du sénateur Louis Déjoie, opposant politique et véritable vainqueur des élections. Ce fut le premier acte illégal du dictateur. Oh ! Il en fut d'autres. Oh ! Par bassesse, le dictateur vengeait la mémoire de son vrai père Florestal Duvalier, citoyen français du Morne des Esses, commune de la Martinique, tailleur de son métier à la rue de l'Enterrement, dont le fils aîné Duval Duvalier fut fait officiellement le père adoptif de François Duvalier alors qu'il en était le demi‑frère. Pour maquiller sa paternité tardive, Florestal Duvalier, vieillard cacochyme, poussa son fils adulte Duval à reconnaître l'enfant, né de ses amours ancillaires avec une jeune domestique, Irutia Abraham, originaire de Maniche, commune des Cayes. La mère de Duvalier en devint folle. Son fils lui fut retiré si bien que l'enfant ne la connut jamais et fut élevé par une tante, madame Florestal .»

  • Inskeep, Steve; Green, Nadege (6 October 2014). "Duvalier's Death Causes Mixed Reactions In Miami's Little Haiti". Morning Edition. Washington, D.C.: NPR. Archived from the original on 30 November 2014. People with ties to Haiti are remembering one of that country's former dictators. Jean‑Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier died over the weekend. The old saying goes, speak nothing but good of the dead, but that is hard for Patrick Gaspard to do. He's a U.S. diplomat and a Haitian‑American. And after Duvalier's death, he tweeted, I'm thinking of the look in my mother's eyes when she talks about her brother Joel, who was disappeared by that dictator. Duvalier and his father before him ran one of the most repressive regimes in the western hemisphere.

  • "Report on the situation of human rights in Haiti". Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Washington, D.C.: Organization of American States. 1979. ISBN 978-0-8270-1094-9. OCLC 8344995. Archived from the original on 21 March 2012. Current Haitian legislation contains a number of legal provisions that place considerable restrictions on the freedom of speech. The most important of these is the law of 28 April 1969:
    Article 1. Communist activities, no matter what their form, are hereby declared crimes against the security of the State ... The authors of an accomplices in crimes listed above shall receive the death penalty, and their goods and chattels shall be confiscated and sold for the benefit of the State

  • Fourcand, Jean M. (1964). Catechisme de la révolution [Catechism of the Revolution] (PDF) (in French). Port‑au‑Prince: Edition imprimerie de l'état. p. 37. Archived (PDF) from the original on 27 September 2015. Notre Doc qui êtes au Palais National pour la Vie, que Votre nom soit béni par les générations présentes et futures, que Votre Volonté soit faite à Port‑au‑Prince et en Province. Donnez‑nous aujourd'hui notre nouvelle Haïti, ne pardonnez jamais les offenses des apatrides qui bavent chaque jour sur notre Patrie, laissez‑les succomber à la tentation et sous le poids de leurs baves malfaisantes: ne les délivrez d'aucun mal. Amen.

  • Fatton, Robert Jr. (2013). "Michel-Rolph Trouillot's State Against Nation: A Critique of the Totalitarian Paradigm". Small Axe. 17 (3–42): 208. doi:10.1215/07990537-2379009. ISSN 1534-6714. S2CID 144548346. In 1963, Duvalier created the Parti de l'unité nationale—PUN (National Unity Party)—to constitute a single-party system. ... the existence of a single party as one of the defining characteristics of the totalitarian nature of Duvalierism ... the party had a thoroughly inconsequential role in the Duvalierist system.