Fructus (Roman law) (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fructus (Roman law)" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
low place
low place
18th place
17th place

  • Justinian. "Institutes" (PDF). Retrieved 3 June 2021. - I. 2, 1, 35 - "If a man in good faith buys land from another who is not its owner, though he believed he was, or acquires it in good faith by gift or some other lawful title, natural reason directs that the fruits which he has gathered shall be his, in consideration of his care and cultivation [...]"

  • "The Digest or Pandects: Book 50 (Scott)". D 50, 16, 121: "The interest on money which we collect is not included in the term "[fructus]," because it is not derived from the property itself, but from another source, that is to say, from a new obligation."
  • "The Digest or Pandects: Book 22 (Scott)". D 22, 1, 34: "Interest takes the place of [fructus], and therefore should not be separated from it [...]"