Cato, fr. 43 Peter (Varro De Re Rustustica 1.2.7) An non M. Cato scribit in libro originum sic? "Ager Gallicus Romanus uocatur, qui uiritim cis Ariminum datus est ultra agrum Picentium. in eo agro aliquodfariam in singula iugera dena cullea uini fiunt" (Or does not Marcus Cato use this language in his Origines? "The land lying this side of Ariminum and beyond the district of Picenum, which was allotted to colonists, is called Gallo-Roman. In that district ten cullei of wine are produced to the iugerum").
Polybius, 2.21.7-8; Cicero, De Senectute, 11; Broughton, T.R.S. and American Council of Learned Societies (1984), The magistrates of the Roman Republic, Chico: Scholars Press, p. 225.
Polybius, 2.21.7-8; Cicero, De Senectute, 11; Broughton, T.R.S. and American Council of Learned Societies (1984), The magistrates of the Roman Republic, Chico: Scholars Press, p. 225.
Polybius, 3.82.2-4; Feig Vishnia, R. (2012), "A Case of "Bad Press"? Gaius Flaminius in Ancient Historiography", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 181, p. 27.