Walthall, John A., "Galena and Aboriginal Trade in Eastern North America," Illinois State Museum, Scientific Papers, Vol. XVII. Internet Archive P. 25.
Overton, Richard C. Burlington Route: A History of the Burlington Lines. Knopf, 1965. pp. 4–5. Internet Archive.
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, Yesterday and Today: A History of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 3rd ed. Winship Co., 1910. P. 10. Internet Archive.
Solzman, David M. "Portage". "Encyclopedia of Chicago". Ed. Janice L. Reiff, Ann Durkin Keating, and James R. Grossman. Chicago History Museum, The Newberry Library, and Northwestern University, 2005. Accessed 24 May 2024.
https://www.google.com/books/edition/_/z4AyAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1 |15th Annual Report Galena&CU RR 1861 |Quote= "Forty miles of the Cedar Rapids & Missouri River Railroad have been completed and will be opened for business in the present month of January, making, with the Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska Railroad a continuous line in operation in connection with ours, from the Mississippi westward, of 122 miles. An additional thirty miles of the first mentioned road have been graded and will probably be finished during the ensuing summer. This, when completed, will extend the line to Marshalltown. "A negotiation has been opened between this and the two last named Companies for leasing their lines by this Company, and thus placing the whole under one management. This negotiation has been thus far without result. It is deemed important that some arrangement should be made, if practicable, for permanently uniting the interests of these Companies and securing the extension of the joint line to the Missouri River, in time to influence the location of the system of Railroads, which will grow up beyond that river."
http://iagenweb.org/clinton/people/1878/smith.html%7Cfrom= The United States Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent and Self-Made Men. Iowa Volume. Chicago and New York: American Biographical Publishing Company, 1878
McLear, Patrick E. JSTOR40191560 "The Galena and Chicago Union Railroad: A Symbol of Chicago's Economic Maturity"], Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 73, No. 1 (Spring 1980), pp. 17–26 [24].
McLear, Patrick E. "William Butler Ogden: A Chicago Promoter in the Speculative Era and the Panic of 1837," Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 70, No. 4 (Nov. 1977), pp. 283–291 [284] JSTOR40191244.
Yungmeyer, D. W. "Selected Items From the Minute Book of the Galena and Chicago Railroad Company With a Foreword and Comment," The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin, October 1944, No. 65. p. 29. JSTOR43519951
Harpster, Jack. "The First Train Out of Chicago." Railroad History, Spring-Summer 2013, No. 208, pp. 83–93 [88]. JSTOR43524689.
Quoted in Downard, William L. "William Butler Ogden and the Growth of Chicago," Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 75, No. 1 (Spring 1982), pp. 47–60 [50]. JSTOR40191527.
Fisher, Chas. E. JSTOR43516964 "Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company," The Railway and Locomotove Historical Society Bulletin, March 1932, pp. 5–28 [11].
Newton, A. W. JSTOR43520021 Early History of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad in Illinois," Part One: "Aurora Branch Railroad Company." The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin, October 1948, No. 74, pp. 7–22 [12–13]. Although Newton could not find a specific lease agreement, several indirect sources agree, including the Baldwin Company's corporate history, in suggesting that the Pioneer was in fact leased to the Aurora Branch.
An Act to Amend an Act Entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Galena and Chicago Union Rail-road Company," Approved January 16, 1836. From Incorporation Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed at a Session of the General Assembly [First Session of the Tenth General Assembly], William Walters, 1837, p. 291. The Papers of Abraham Lincoln Digital Library.