Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Gaza flotilla raid" in English language version.
Haritos describes how the then President of the Republic of Cyprus, Dimitris Christofias, whose AKEL communist party's stance toward the Arab-Israeli conflict was and continues to be openly pro-Palestinian, decided not to allow the Mavi Marmara flotilla to enter Cypriot territorial waters at the moment when the Turkish ship was about to enter the port of Famagusta (a port which is under the de facto control of 'TRNC', yet considered a 'closed port' for the Republic of Cyprus, therefore illegal).
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: CS1 maint: postscript (link)"Israel had said it will not prosecute dozens of activists detained in the raid, opting instead to deport them all immediately in an apparent effort to limit the diplomatic damage from the raid.
Ra'ed Fatooh, in charge of the crossings, and Jamal Khudari, head of a committee against the Gaza blockade, said Israel must release all flotilla detainees and that [the aid] will be accepted in the territory only by the Free Gaza Movement people who organized the flotilla.
The then AKEL government and its president Demetris Christofias, despite its pro-Palestinian ideological origins, prohibited the passage of the Turkish flotilla through Cypriot national waters. The reason, although never officially explained, was simple: The Mavi Marmara's route, carefully planned by Ankara, indicated that the flotilla's last stop before reaching Gaza would be the Turkish-occupied port of Famagusta. In Turkey's diplomatic view, the symbolism was obvious: "Just as the Greek Cypriots enforce the international isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), that is exactly how the Israelis isolate the Palestinians of Gaza." The departure of the flotilla from the blockaded port of Famagusta to the blockaded port of Gaza would demonstrate the solidarity of the tested "Turkish-Cypriot people" to the correspondingly tested Palestinians.
Al menos una parte de la versión del Ministerio de Defensa israelí resulta poco creíble: en las otras naves, donde supuestamente nadie opuso resistencia, también hubo heridos, como pudo comprobar este periódico hablando brevemente con algunos de ellos mientras eran ingresados en camilla en un hospital de Ashkelon. [At least one piece of the account from the Israeli Ministry of Defence is scarcely believable: in the other ships, where nobody apparently offered any physical resistance, there were also some wounded people, as this newspaper was able to verify by briefly talking to some of the passengers when they were being admitted on stretchers to a hospital in Ashkelon.]
Mit gezogenen Waffen gehen sie auf unbewaffnete Zivilisten zu. Wer nicht weicht, wie etwa der große, gemütliche Michalis, ein 65 Jahre alter Kleinunternehmer, wird auf kürzeste Distanz aus dem Weg geräumt. Michalis fällt wie vom Blitz getroffen neben mir um, als ihn Soldat Nr. 14 – alle haben Nummern – aus zehn Zentimetern Entfernung mit der Elektroschock-Pistole anschießt. [With their weapons drawn they approach unarmed civilians. Anyone who does not move out of the way, like big, jovial Michalis, a 65-year-old small-time entrepreneur, is thrust aside at close quarters. Michalis drops to the ground as if struck by lightning as soldier no. 14 – all of them bear numbers – tasers him from a distance of 10 centimetres (4 in).]
Als Anschauungsmaterial für die Gewaltbereitschaft der Aktivisten verbreitete die Armee später Bilder von Holz- und Eisenstangen, Steinschleudern, Murmeln, aber auch Schraubenschlüsseln und einer Reihe von Messern, wie sie in jedem größeren Haushalt zu finden sind. [As support for the claim that the activists were ready for violence, the army later published images of wooden staves and iron bars, slingshots, marbles, but also screwdrivers and a set of knives such as can be found in any larger household.]
The decision to deport the hundreds of foreign activists was announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided late Tuesday, in the face of mounting world criticism of Monday's assault
. Ashton Says Not Enough Goods Flowing in to Meet the Humanitarian and Reconstruction Needs of Gaza, Contrary to Israel's Commitment.
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: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)Türkiye Birinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra ilk defa askeri bir saldırıya uğradı ve 9 can verdi! Biz böyle görüyoruz. İsrail bunu kavramalı, Türkiye'nin dostluğunu kaybetmenin ne demek olacağını idrak etmelidir! [Turkey has been attacked for the first time since World War I and lost 9 lives. This is our view. Israel should understand this and should realize what it means to lose Turkey's friendship!]
Let me be clear: the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable ... Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change ... Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.
Regierungen in aller Welt forderten Israel auf, den Vorfall durch internationale Ermittler klären zu lassen, doch Premier Benjamin Netanjahu wollte davon nichts wissen – und hat nun eine interne Kommission eingesetzt. [Governments all over the world have urged Israel to have international investigators examine the incident, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to consider this – and has appointed an internal commission.]
Die türkisch-israelischen Beziehungen sind nach der Militäraktion Israels auf dem Tiefpunkt. 'Staatsterrorismus' warf der türkische Ministerpräsident Erdogan Israel vor und sagte in einer Rede vor Parteifreunden voraus: 'Ab heute ist nichts mehr wie es war.' Von antisemitischen Tönen distanzierte er sich klar. [After Israel's military action, the Turkish-Israeli relations have reached a low. Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan accused Israel of 'state terrorism' and predicted in a speech to party members: 'From today on, nothing is anymore as it used to be.' He distanced himself clearly from antisemitical tones.]
. Turkish victims ask international criminal court to pursue Israeli gunmen over raid on ship
O sırada gaz maskelerimizi ve şişme yeleklerimizi takmamızı ilan ettiler. [At that moment they announced that we should put on our gas masks and the life jackets.]
על התדר הפתוח, יכלו כל ספינות המשט לשמוע את האזהרות. והן גם דאגו להחזיר. 'תחזרו לאושוויץ', ענתה ספינה אחת, אחרת השיבה ב'ג'יהאד, ג'יהאד, ג'יהאד'. המפגש האלים היה בלתי נמנע. [On the open channel, all the flotilla ships could hear the warnings. They also took care to reply. 'Go back to Auschwitz', answered one ship, and another responded, 'Jihad, jihad, jihad'. The violent clash was inevitable.]
קצין בחיל אמר הבוקר ל'קול ישראל', כי ישנן עדויות לכך, שנוסעי הספינה 'מרמרה' השליכו כלי נשק לים וכי על הספינה נמצאו כוונת של רובה ותרמילי כדורים, שאינם תואמים כלי נשק של צה'ל. [This morning, an army officer told Israel Radio that there is evidence that the Marmara passengers dumped firearms into the sea and, because bullet casings were found on the ship, that they were not compatible with Israeli Army weapons.]
Let me be clear: the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable ... Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change ... Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.
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