Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ghost World (film)" in English language version.
Ghost World [...] positioned the art comic as akin to the contemporary art film.
Apparently, the critics, who have sanctified Zwigoff's dark gem with a four-star geek-chic seal of approval since its New York/Los Angeles opening a month ago, not to mention the audience members who have -- to the shock of MGM -- created some serious (for an "art" film, anyway) box-office numbers.
Ghost World['s] [...] economics of production [...] [is] art-house [...] [T]he idiom of the text [Ghost World] is strictly that of the postmodern arthouse movie familiar since at least the early 1980s [...] [I]nhibiting an arthouse idiom similar to Ghost World.
Ghost World [...] was reimagined as an art film in 2001.
Ghost World [...] [presents] teenage resistance within the narrow confines of an art film.
[A]cclaimed art-house film Ghost World.
[Cinema is] defined by two modes of filmmaking, the art house indie and the blockbuster [...] Ghost World [belongs to the former].
Ghost World the movie, starring Thora Birch, Scarlett Johannson and Steve Buscemi, is one of the summer's biggest art-house hits and opens today in Oklahoma City.
They treated Ghost World like it was this outrageous art film that nobody would get.
rec. April 12, 1935 in Chicago; Freddie Spruell, voc, g; Carl Martin, g; Bluebird B6261