23. July 1604. Basta's letter to Prince Matthias about to leave Transylvania to fight against Ottomans in West Hungary. In: Basta György hadvezér levelezése és iratai.[Giorgio Basta military leader's letters and documents]. II. Volume. 1602-1607Editor and translator: Dr. Veress, Endre. Budapest, 1913. Akadémiai Kiadó (Document no. 1601.)466. p, https://archive.org/stream/bastagyrgyhadv02bastuoft#page/466/mode/1up
Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the seventeenth century Volume 192 of Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society Author Kenneth Meyer Setton Publisher American Philosophical Society, 1991 ISBN0-87169-192-2, ISBN978-0-87169-192-7 Length 502 pages link [4]