"Political reform was only a part of the great task which Savonarola had set himself; his scheme embraced the renovation of social life, as well as science, literature, and art. Christianity was to reassert its sovereignty over the paganism of the false renaissance in every department of life. His 'Evviva Christo' was to echo from lip to lip. Politics, society, science and art, were to have the commandments of God for their basis. Christ was to be proclaimed King of Florence and protector of her liberties." – Ludwig von Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 5, p. 192, [1]
"He aimed at establishing a theocracy in Florence, resembling that by which the Jews were ruled in the time of the Judges. Thus the religious idea took form in politics, and a monarchy was to be erected by the democracy, under the immediate guidance of God; Savonarola, as the Daniel of the Florentines, was to be the medium of the Divine answers and commands." – Ludwig von Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 5, p. 210, [2]
"'It was not Art itself which he condemned, but its desecration, the introduction of earthly and even immodest sentiments and dress into sacred pictures. On the contrary, pious and genuinely religious art would have been an efficacious support in building up that ideal State which he dreamt of, and for a while even made a reality.' Again and again Savonarola explains what he finds fault with in contemporary Art, and what he desires to put in place of it. For him edification is the main object of Art; he will tolerate none which does not tend to the service of religion." – Ludwig von Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 5, p. 195, [3]
Lenau, Nicolaus (1837). Savonarola ein Gedicht (in German). J.G. Cotta. Retrieved 4 March 2021.
Milman, Henry Hart (1870). "Essay I: Savonarola". Savonarola, Erasmus, and Other Essays (Reprinted from 'The Quarterly Review' ed.). London: John Murray. p. 74. Retrieved 28 May 2023. There has been a strong demand for ... his canonisation. It was said to have been contemplated even by Julius II ... .