Thomas Jackson: First Sermon upon Matthew 7,12 (1615; Werke Band 3, S. 612); Benjamin Camfield: The Comprehensive Rule of Righteousness (1671); George Boraston: The Royal Law, or the Golden Rule of Justice and Charity (1683); John Goodman: The Golden Rule, or, the Royal Law of Equity explained (1688; Titelseite als Faksimile at Google Books); dazu Olivier du Roy: The Golden Rule as the Law of Nature. In: Jacob Neusner, Bruce Chilton (Hrsg.): The Golden Rule – The Ethics of Reprocity in World Religions. London/New York 2008, S. 94.
"Hillel". Jewish Encyclopedia. Archived 17 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine. "His activity of forty years is perhaps historical; and since it began, according to a trustworthy tradition (Shab. 15a), one hundred years before the destruction of Jerusalem, it must have covered the period 30 BCE – 10 CE."
"ADAM". Jewish Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 6 June 2011. Retrieved 12 September 2013.
Smith, Kerri (June 2005). "Is it a chimp-help-chimp world?". Nature. 484 (Online publication). Archived from the original on 9 November 2020. Retrieved 19 October 2020.
"Towards a Global Ethic"Archived 16 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine (An Initial Declaration). Under the subtitle, "We Declare", see third paragraph. The first line reads, "We must treat others as we wish others to treat us."
"Leviticus". The Torah. Jewish Publication Society. p. 19:17. Archived from the original on 7 October 2012. Retrieved 27 March 2013.
"Hillel". Jewish Encyclopedia. Archived 17 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine. "His activity of forty years is perhaps historical; and since it began, according to a trustworthy tradition (Shab. 15a), one hundred years before the destruction of Jerusalem, it must have covered the period 30 BCE – 10 CE."
"ADAM". Jewish Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 6 June 2011. Retrieved 12 September 2013.
"Towards a Global Ethic"Archived 16 April 2021 at the Wayback Machine (An Initial Declaration). Under the subtitle, "We Declare", see third paragraph. The first line reads, "We must treat others as we wish others to treat us."
Smith, Kerri (June 2005). "Is it a chimp-help-chimp world?". Nature. 484 (Online publication). Archived from the original on 9 November 2020. Retrieved 19 October 2020.