Gorna Belica (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Gorna Belica" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
4,324th place
4,850th place
6,676th place
low place


  • Trajanovski, Todor; Domazetovski, Petko (2002). "Традиционалните Влашко-Албански односи согледани преку една Албанска народна песна, испеана за Власите од Горна Белица – Штрушко". In Kiselinovski, Stojan (ed.). Зборник на трудови од Меѓународниот научен симпозиум "Власите на Балканот", одржан на 09-10 ноември 2001 во Скопје. Institut za nacionalna kultura. p. 169. ISBN 9789989895432. "Во струшкиот Дримкол имало две впашки населби - Горна и Долна Белица.... Горна Белица со својата местоположба била вистинска гранинска населба, непосредно до македонско-албанската граница, ... Денес Горна Белица претсгавува рекреативен центар на Општината Струга."
  • Koukoudis, Asterios (2003). The Vlachs: Metropolis and Diaspora. Thessaloniki: Zitros Publications. ISBN 9789607760869. p. 299. "The original group of Arvanitovlachs who came to Gorna Belica in the first half of the nineteenth century was about 150 strong. When they tried to settle in the village, the older, settled Vlach residents opposed them; but, despite the friction, after negotiations they were allowed to settle in the village, though only in the summer months to begin with. Gradually, some of the families started to buy houses in Gorna Belica from the older Vlach residents who had converted to Islam and left the village."; pp. 349-350. "According to local traditions, the exoduses from Niçë and Llëngë led to the establishment of two new Vlach villages north-west of Lake Ohrid, on Mount Jablanica. First Gorna Belica (Biala di ni sus) was established, high on the unseen slopes of Jablanica, and shortly afterwards Dolna Belica (Biala di n gios/Kimpu), down in the foothills.... The close relations between Gorna and Dolna Belica and the older Vlach villages of Niçë and Llëngë (a relationship akin perhaps to that between a metropolis and its colonies) is probably attested by the intermarriage and family connections which developed among them."; pp. 468-469. "The Bulgarians evacuated the inhabitants of Gorna and Dolna Belica... and all these displaced persons (or hostages, one might call them) were relocated to the interior of Bulgaria and Serbia. Some were left to fend for themselves until the end of the war, while others did forced labour for the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians did not relocate all these people for their own safety; their basic motive was to clear the area of the pro-Greek and pro Serbian population groups which might have been inclined to co-operate with the Entente Allies"; p. 470. "Some of the displaced Vlachs from Pelagonia passed through Greece on their way home. Many of them stayed on, like the efforts of the inhabitants of Gorna and Dolna Belica, who, on their way back from exile in Bulgaria, passed through Thessaloniki and sought official permission to settle on Greek territory - a request which Greek authorities never granted."
  • Kiselinovski, Stojan (2005). Zbornik Vlasite na Balkanot. Institut za nacionalna istorija. p. 253. ISBN 9789989895562. "Во тие места кај што се населиле, Власите се бавеле со трговија, беличките Албанци се занимавале со градежништво. Со земјоделие се занимавале многу малку, бидејќи немало услови."
  • Murtishi, Kaim (2001). Ladorishti: Histori dhe Tradita. Asdreni. p. 47. "kurse Belica e Sipërme ka qenë e banuar nga shqiptarë dhe vllehë. Në këtë fshat flitej dialekti toskë. Deri në vitin 1920, në Belicë bënin pazar disa fshatra të Shqipërisë nga rrethi i Librazhdit. Në atë kohë Belica ka pasur mbi 600 shtëpi, kurse sot në atë fshat nuk banon asnjë familje, të gjithë janë shpërngulur."
  • Hendriks, P. (1976). The Radožda-Vevčani Dialect of Macedonian: Structure, Texts, Lexicon. John Benjamins Publishing. pp. 5, 7. ISBN 9789031600892.



