Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922) (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922)" in English language version.

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459th place
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8,507th place
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6,467th place
3,567th place

  • It was composed (as of 1922) of around 2,500 ethnic Armenian volunteers. See Ramazian, Samvel (2010). Ιστορία των αρμενο-ελληνικών στρατιωτικών σχέσεων και συνεργασίας / Հայ-հունական ռազմական առնչությունների եւ համագործակցության պատմություն [History of Armenian-Greek military relations and cooperation] (in Greek and Armenian). Athens: Stamoulis Publications. pp. 200–201, 208–209. ISBN 978-9609952002. Cited in Vardanyan, Gevorg (12 November 2012). Հայ-հունական համագործակցության փորձերը Հայոց ցեղասպանության տարիներին (1915–1923 թթ.) [The attempts of the Greek-Armenian Co-operation during the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923)]. (in Armenian). Research Center on Western Armenian Studies. Archived from the original on 25 August 2020. Retrieved 25 August 2020.
  • Ραμαζιάν Σ., Ιστορία τών Άρμενο – Έλληνικών στρατιωτικών σχεσεων καί συνεργασίας, Αθήνα, 2010. Ռամազյան Ս., Հայ-հունական ռազմական առնչությունների և համագործակցության պատմություն, Աթենք, 2010, pp. 200–201, 208–209; see The attempts of the Greek-Armenian Co-operation during the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923) by Gevorg Vardanyan

  • Jelavich, Barbara (1983). History of the Balkans: Twentieth century. Cambridge University Press. p. 131. ISBN 978-0-521-27459-3.
  • Turgut Özakman, Şu Çılgın Türkler (115th edition, September 2005), p. 23: Sevr Antlaşması'nı ve tabii Üçlü Anlaşma'yı milliyetçilere silah zoruyla kabul ettirmek görevi, İngilizlerin aracılığıyla Yunan ordusuna önerilir, o da kabul eder. Yunan hükümeti, bu hizmetine karşılık, İzmir ve Doğu Trakya'dan başka, İstanbul'un da Yunanistan'a verileceği ümidine kapılır.
    Fakat beklenilmeyen bir olay Yunanistan'ı karıştıracaktır. Kral Aleksandros ölür. Venizelos, Konstantin'in tahta geri dönmesini engellemek için seçimleri yenilemeye karar verir ve seçime "ya Konstantin, ya ben!" sloganıyla girer. Halk Konstantin'i ve onu destekleyen partiyi seçer. Venizelos yurtdışına kaçar. Vaktiyle Konstantin'in devrilmesine yardım etmiş olan Fransız hükümeti, Konstantin'e ve muhalefete oy veren Yunan halkına kızar ve yeni iktidara karşı tavır alır.
    İngilizler de tedirgin olurlar ama tavır almak için beklemeyi tercih ederler.
    Venizelos'un sürgüne yolladığı, hapse attırdığı siviller ve askerler, tıpkı Hürriyet ve İtilaf Partililer gibi, iktidar özlemi ve kinle tutuşmuş bir halde yeniden sahnede boy gösterirler. Kralcı General Papulas, Anadolu'daki Yunan ordusunun komutanlığa atanır. İktidar, Anadolu'yu boşalttığı takdirde, Yunanistan'ın Fransa ve İtalya'dan sonra, İngiltere'nin de desteğini kaybedip yalnız kalacağını anlar; azdırdıkları Anadolu Rumlarını yazgılarıyla baş başa bırakmayı da göze alamaz. Sonunda Venizelos'un yayılmacı politikasını ve İngilizlerin askeri olmayı kabul eder. Bu sebeple Anadolu olaylarını iyi bilen bazı Venizeloscu komutanlara dokunmaz.
    ("The task of forcing the nationalists to accept the Treaty of Sèvres and of course the Tripartite Agreement at gunpoint was offered to the Greek army through the British, and it accepted it. In return for this service, the Greek government hoped that, in addition to Izmir and Eastern Thrace, Istanbul would also be given to Greece.
    However, an unexpected event will confuse Greece. King Alexander dies. Venizelos decides to renew the elections in order to prevent Constantine's return to the throne and enters the elections with the slogan "Constantine or me!". The people elect Constantine and the party that supports him. Venizelos flees abroad. The French government, which had once helped overthrow Constantine, is angry with Constantine and the Greek people who voted for the opposition, and takes a stand against the new government.
    The British were also uneasy, but preferred to wait to take a stand.
    The civilians and soldiers exiled and imprisoned by Venizelos reappeared on the stage, just like the members of the Freedom and Accord Party, fuelled by a longing for power and a grudge. The royalist General Papoulas was appointed commander of the Greek army in Anatolia. The government realised that if it evacuated Anatolia, Greece would lose the support of Britain, after France and Italy, and would be left alone; it could not afford to leave the Anatolian Greeks, whom they had been inflaming, alone with their fate. In the end, he accepted Venizelos' expansionist policy and to become a soldier of the British. For this reason, he did not touch some of the Venizelist commanders who knew the Anatolian events well.")
  • Murat, John (1999), The Great Extirpation of Hellenism and Christianity in Asia Minor: The Historic and Systematic Deception of World Opinion Concerning the Hideous Christianity's Uprooting of 1922, p. 132, ISBN 978-0-9600356-7-0.
  • Glenny, Misha (2000), The Balkans: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804–1999 (hardcover), Viking, ISBN 978-0-670-85338-0[page needed]
  • Horowitz, Irving Louis; Rummel, Rudolph J (1994). "Turkey's Genocidal Purges". Death by Government. Transaction Publishers. p. 233. ISBN 978-1-56000-927-6.
  • Records of Proceedings and draft Terms of peace. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO). 1923. pp. 672–682.
  • Clogg, Richard. A concise History of Greece, p. 93 [1]. Cambridge University Press, 20 June 2002 – 308 pp.
  • "Lausanne Conference on Near Eastern Affairs 1922–1923". London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1923 – via Internet Archive.

  • It was composed (as of 1922) of around 2,500 ethnic Armenian volunteers. See Ramazian, Samvel (2010). Ιστορία των αρμενο-ελληνικών στρατιωτικών σχέσεων και συνεργασίας / Հայ-հունական ռազմական առնչությունների եւ համագործակցության պատմություն [History of Armenian-Greek military relations and cooperation] (in Greek and Armenian). Athens: Stamoulis Publications. pp. 200–201, 208–209. ISBN 978-9609952002. Cited in Vardanyan, Gevorg (12 November 2012). Հայ-հունական համագործակցության փորձերը Հայոց ցեղասպանության տարիներին (1915–1923 թթ.) [The attempts of the Greek-Armenian Co-operation during the Armenian Genocide (1915–1923)]. (in Armenian). Research Center on Western Armenian Studies. Archived from the original on 25 August 2020. Retrieved 25 August 2020.

  • The Ruined City of Smyrna: Giles Milton's 'Paradise Lost', NY Sun, archived from the original on 15 August 2010, retrieved 1 March 2011, ... on May 15, 1919, Greek troops disembarked in the city's harbor to take possession of their prize. It was a scene of rejoicing and revenge, dramatically evoked by Mr. Milton. The local Greeks, who had long nurtured a grievance against the Ottoman state and had been severely persecuted during the war, welcomed the Greek army as liberators.