Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Guishan Island (Yilan)" in English language version.
字詞 【龜山島】 注音 ㄍㄨㄟ ㄕㄢ ㄉㄠˇ 漢語拼音 guī shān dǎo 釋義 島名。位於宜蘭縣頭城鎮外海。為一火山島,屬頭城鎮管轄。周圍海岸線長八點七公里,面積二點八平方公里,以形狀似龜而得名。
縣市別 Locality 島嶼名稱 位置 Location 面積(平方公里) (1) 經度 緯度 Name of Islands Longitude Latitude Area (K m2){...}宜蘭縣 Yilan County{...}龜卵島 Gueiluan Island 121°55′47〞~121°55′51〞 24°48′30〞~24°48′32〞 0.0123
The Gueishan Island is located off the coast of Yilan County, Taiwan.
The Gueishan Island is located off the coast of Yilan County, Taiwan.